Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Monday!

It's Monday again! My favorite day of the week. LOL! Actually, I had a much better week, last week, so facing this Monday isn't quite so bad.

In the midst of creating several things that I can't yet share, I was able to create a couple of cards just for fun. I got my huge order from Emma's the other day. In it was some Prima Shabby Chic. Oh my! How I LOOOOVE this line! The colors and style is so me. So, here's what I whipped up.

I embossed the cardstock on this first one. The buttons are from A Million Memories and I adore them. I love how they go with the embossed background.

This next card uses some of the same elements. I added a pleated strip. I've been doing a lot of pleats lately. LOVE the texture.

I saved the scraps from the paper because I love it so much. I'm sure you'll be seeing a couple of more cards with it. :)

Speaking of cards, I wanted to share a new inspriation site with you. My friend Debbie Marcinkiewicz has just launched The Shabby Tea Room. I"m always looking for inpiration and if it has anything to do with 'Shabby', I'm in! Definitely head over and check out her blog. I'm hoping to post my card for the challenge later on this week.

Well, that's it for this morning. Thanks for stopping by!


Debbie said...

Thanks for the shout out on THE SHABBY TEA ROOM, Anabelle! I can't wait to see your projects!!!

Tomoko said...

Beautiful cards, Anabelle!!!!!

cnelson said...

Wowzers!! Gorgeous work!!!

Jana Eubank said...

Stunning! Love the embossing and pleating!

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! I love the soft blues with the brighter pink!

(-: Heidi

Anonymous said...

Oooh... Emma's orders make me so happy! :) Love what you did with the Prima, Anabelle. Lovely as always!

Stacy Cohen said...

This is breathtaking, Anabelle!

Mel said...

Wow Wow Wow those cards are just divine, wow, not much else to say, just magnificent, you perfect what shabby chic means to me. Love Melxx

Melanie said...

These cards are sooo beautiful and elegant!!! Love them!!

DeeDee said...

Love the buttons and embossing on the first card. Perfectly shabby. :)