Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!

I have been glued to the TV all morning. Today is truly an historical day! I'm so proud to be an American today! My prayers go up for a peaceful transfer of power. I pray that Barack Obama is blessed with wisdom, clarity and the ability to unite our country. There are so many things going on with the economy and with the wars and injustices that are ocurring even as I type this. I know that no one person can right things overnight. I just hope that today, and the change it brings, is the first step towards a more peaceful world.

Also, as a Delawarean, I'm just so excited to see Joe and Jill Biden standing alongside the Obamas. Delaware is a VERY small place. We go to the same church and I've met him on several other ocassions. It's so exciting to know that 'Delaware's Joe' is going to play such a crucial role in the new administration. Many prayers are headed his way, too.

OK, enough political stuff...Today is my day on the MMM blog. As you know, I'm working on Lisa Pace's Cupid's Workshop. This cute little bird was our first project. I LOVE how it turned out.

You can see what I did with this cute little guy by checking out the blog here.

Have you seen the new Webster's releases? They are absolutely stunning! My favorite lines so far, for sure. Terri Hayes has the photos posted on her blog. Just leave a comment on her blog here for a chance to win one of the new collections!

Finally, here is my card that I made with Kazan's sketch for 2 Sketches 4 You this week. I used a Prima lollipop flower, the packaging it came on, and some of my awesome new ribbon from M&J Trimming. This is also my Cardalicious card for the week. The challenge was to use a circle, a flwer and some bling. The flower kind of acts like the circle, too. I figured the little circles in the scalloped border count, too.

Check out the site for amazing DT inspiration, too!

Well, that's it for now. I have to get back to the TV!
Have a great day~Anabelle


Cindy S. said...

wow! That is a gorgeous card (so funny, I was JUST looking at the same packaging last night trying to figure out what to do with it!) Love your new headshot!

danni reid. said...

your bird is PRECIOUS my friend, the card is wow (like they all are) & Webster's has my allowance as they ALWAYS do....giggle!

I ♥ you avatar, you are such a beautiful, beautiful person! Enjoy the inauguration!

hugs & so much love!!!

Antoinette said...

Awww.. that bird is sooooo cute!! Love it! Your card is beautiful as well, cool how you've used the packaging as your card...

Marjan said...

Love your card and the colors you used.
In Holland we think it's an historical day too. We're watching tv as well!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your bird!! I'm still trying to find one to do my project!! And your card is spectacular as always :-) Today is a new beginning!!

Lori Renn said...

Well said, Annabelle. I too am glued to the inauguration! Love your creations!

Anonymous said...

What a STUNNING card! I love that you used the packaging too!
Your little bird is just too cute for words!

(-: Heidi

scrappygirl said...

that card is just beautiful!

Leslie Ashe said...

Can you say BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Wow, your card is gorgeous! :D

And...what a SWEET beautiful bird! I'm one of your biggest fans my dear! :D


Lea L. said...

Such cute projects Annabelle! I especially love that gorgeous card! Great job with the sketch!


Unknown said...

I have been watching the inauguration too and loving it :) Your card is gogeous - so fun and bright with that red & white candy stripe bow. Love new headshot too ;)
Thanks for playing

Anonymous said...

I was right there with you glued to the TV! :) Great post!

Unknown said...

So in love with the card, I also saved the packaging of my flowers, too cute to go to waste. And that birdie is just so darling!!!

Tonya said...

So cute!

Renee Lamb said...

beautiful creations! you can turn anything into pure gold! enjoy the inauguration! I was born in Delaware.

Unknown said...

LOVE your gorgeous 2s4y card Anabelle... and your new avatar, looking good girl ;)

Audrey Pettit said...

Wow, I'm in love with your projects, Anabelle! That card is amazing, and the birdie is the cutest little thing ever.

Unknown said...

Ackkkk! THis is the cutest! Love your designs!

Lulu said...

Love the card, and the little birdie is so cute!! :)

Linda Beeson said...

Glued to the TV here too. This does hit close to home for you with the Biddens coming from so close to you.
That card is just beyond amazing! WOWIE!

Julie Overby said...

Beautiful, Anabelle. Always so inspirational.

Amy C said...

Simply beautiful!! I love the look of the color combination you used. Great take on the sketch, too.

Anonymous said...

I was too glued to the tv yesterday to read any blogs... God bless the USA! LOVE your little bird project Anabelle. It's adorable. Thanks for the WP info! LOVE that stuff... it's my TDF must have this time around! Have a great day! Amy Tara

**Nancy** said...

Gorgeous!!! I love those Prima lollipop flowers!!

Anonymous said...

Loved your post boo bear .. it was awesome and you are SO RIGHT .. but I am really loving your card wow .. and the bird is just too adorable .. I need to step my "altering game up" lol ..

hugs to ya

Wendy Kwok said...

Love the card! Amazing design and colours. Love it

jaz lee said...

such cute birdy there Anabelle!!! love it!!! beautiful work as always!

N2ScrapN4Fun said...

This is such a cute card. I really love it.

cnelson said...

in every way...fabulous!

Deanna said...

Gorgeous! But then again what do you make that isn't gorgeous! Love your work!

Dawn♥ said...

Ahhh that bird is just to precious for words. Gorgeous cards as well love it and how you used the package as well. Great job!

Frida said...


Melanie said...

I LOEV the new look on your blog. Please e-mail with some tips on how to customize! Your creations are just gorgeous!!

Martha said...

This is a gorgeous card! Love what you did with the sketch.

Aussieleigh said...

Fabulous card...love the recycling aspect!

TheShermanFam said...

Your little bird is so cute! I love it!
And your card is so gorgeous!!!

Kimberly said...

I too am taking Lisa Pace's class. Loving it. Your bird is very sweet.

Janice Guazzo said...

Fellow Delawareian here...at least for 5 yrs I was LOL...love seeing Joe in the white house! First visit to your blog...need to add to my reader!

Peet said...

Oh,gorgeous Annabelle!!! Love your take on Kazan's sketch!!!

Katie said...

Annabelle, what an adorable card!

That is pretty cool that you know the VP :)


Tricia said...

awesome card. Is that a punch in the border?