Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It has been so cold and dreary here lately. I've decided that a burst of color might boost my spirits! Red and blue are my favorite colors these days! I loved using these Jenni Bowlin and Pink Paislee papers together on this page I did for Emma's. Our color this month was turquoise. These pictures of Ryan cracked me up!

Pink and green is another one of my favorite combinations. I loved this little birdie. The green flocked Doodlebug paper came in my Cards goodie box yesterday. I HAD to use it!

This card is based on this week's 2S4Y sketch. Laura's sketch was really fun to work with. It also fits the challenge at Cardalicious to make a 'For You' card with green on it and incorporating letter stickers. Both sites are in my links. Check them out for some fabulous DT inspiration!!!

Well, that's about it. Have a great day! And thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate your kind words and comments.


Lea L. said...

Oh my goodness...both projects are fabulous, but I just ADORE that cute little card!! Hope life is awesome for you Annabelle...we miss you at CPS!


Anonymous said...

Your work is so inspiring!! I absolutely love the card you created for 2s4u! The colors are amazing and I love the stitching!

(-: Heidi

TheShermanFam said...

Both ARE gorgeous!!! Your card is soo cute! I don't think I've ever seen that doodlebug paper! Love!
Have a great week!

Unknown said...

I love the color combinations in both layout & card! Those are some yummy colors!

Unknown said...

FABulous work, as always, Anabelle... I love all of your creations ;)

Melissa said...

Goodness...you are SO good at what you do dear. LOVE your layout....so darling and fun, and that card is just as sweet as can be.

Audrey Pettit said...

Your projects are always so beautiful, Anabelle! Love visiting you!

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

great blog!

joscelyne cutchens said...

so cute, I loove that card! the stitching is just the perfect touch!

whoistracy said...

So cute! Love that photo of your son.

Anonymous said...

Just love both projects!! The card is so cute and I love those pics in the lo!!

Anonymous said...

I love both of these Anabelle. You have a way with color! Beautiful! Have a wonderful day!

Daniela Dobson said...

Wow, that card is so cute!!!!!! Love the layout, too!

Fiona said...

Such a gorgeous layout - so inspiring.

Laura Davis said...

Oh Anabelle this is so so cute! I love the fun bright colors:) Thanks for playing

Amber said...

Beautiful layout! Just love the cute pictures and the colors. And your card is great, love the stitching.

Ingrid said...

OMG....your card is so CUTE. I love it!! Your layout is beautiful too. The JB and PP match well together.

On my way... said...

All so gorgeous!! Love the red and turquoise! And that little card is adorable - is the bird a rubon or PP??


Danielle Flanders said...

Your card is WAY gorgeous, Anabelle! So happy and fun! And as I told you before, I just love how you combine different papers and such on your layouts. You are very inspiring to me!!

**Nancy** said...

Gorgeous layout and card!! I love how you combined the PP paper with Jenni Bowlin!! Very cool!!!

Christine said...

What gorgeous projects, Anabelle! I just love how colorful they both are! I just adore the stitching on the card...so cool!

Thanks for the inspiration!

Leigh Penner said...

What a great page!
Love that card, too-- so sweet!
Your work is always so inspiring, Anabelle! Thanks for sharing!

Chasity Grace said...

you projects are super cute!

danni reid. said...

OMGosh, you are amazing my friend! Absolutely love the design & reds & blues on the layout & your card stole my ♥!

hugs & so much love my friend!

Danielle said...

This is a great colourful card. I love the layout too!

Antoinette said...

O WOW, your work is gorgeous! I found your blog through the webster pages blog. To be honest I didn't noticed Webster Pages before until the papers came in the Bad Girls kit. I totally love them as well as your projects! From now on I'll be blog follower :) Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow these are just stunning, I especially love the layout, just gorgeous.

Carole xx

Wilma said...

Wow, really great!!! Both your layout and your card!!!

Lucy Edson said...

The turquoise and red combo is one of my faves right now, too! Those photos are so cute, Anabelle!

You never cease to amaze me with your cards!! So adorable and fun!

ellen s. said...

you have so much great color going on! it's great to see on these drab, cold days. i love the flocked paper, your projects are inspiring!

Allison said...

love the bright colours, great work

Unknown said...

I love Chillin' Out...the scalloped edges on the photos look great! I think that little birdie is so cute too!!

Savitri said...

Both are GORGEOUS!!!! Just love them. You're stuff's awesome! This is my first visit and I'll be back for more!!

roree said...

Beautiful, Anabelle! The layout jumped right out at me over at 2Peas this morning. And can I just say that your card is just the cutest thing! I love it! I got the red and orange Doodlebug packs in my Cards box. Can't wait to use them!

Mrs J said...

Your work is just so gorgeous and inspiring Annabelle! Love your layout (they are the cutest photo's!) and your card is so sweet! Love the papers you've used and the colour combo's.
Sarah x

Katie said...

WOW, girl...that layout is a-mazing! Every detail is gorgeous!! Your card is so stinkin' cute too :) LOVE what you've done with Laura's sketch!!


Miki said...

Those photos are hilarious!! He even has the drinking while chillin part down, LOL!

Love the card too. What a cute birdie!

Anonymous said...

`Gorgeous` gorgeous creations Annabelle...
Ryan would bring a smile to anyones face ..How cool does he look?fab to look back and enjoy..:)~X~

Unknown said...

As always lovely work, very inspiring!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

beautiful projects! I love them!!! :)

Peet said...

Fabulous creations, Anebelle!!! Love all your work, absolutely great!!!

Leslie Ashe said...

HEY girl!
Your projects are just BEE-AUTIFUL!! :D You are over the top CREATIVE! :D :D :D

I love that card too, wow!!

Thank you SO much for my sweet message on my blog! :D

You rock Anabelle! :D

Wendy Kwok said...

Loving that stunning LO. the design is just awesome!

Erum Tasneem said...

fantastic! Such a fun card!

Anonymous said...

Oh my I love that layout!!

Laina said...

Love all your creations Anabelle, so inspiring! Red and blue/turquoise is so a fav! Love how you bring it to life!