Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2S4Y and a Layout

Well, it's midweek already. We had a huge snowstorm so there was no school for two days. It almost feels like a Monday here today. I think Ryan was looking forward to getting back to seeing his friends.

I was able to get some things done, though. This firt layout is of my little golfer. He just loves it. He's already asking when we can hit the mini golf course. I can't wait for the weather that will allow us to do that. I used some BG and Sassafrass paper. The dots on the background were made by painting on bubble wrap and laying it on the paper. Then, I added glitter while it was still wet.

Here is my card for Kazan's sketch this week. I've had these Colorbok journaling papers and stickers for a while. I decided to use them to make a back to school card. I love that little owl.

And finally, I posted this little project on the MMM Blog.

It's a box that will hold Ryan's teeth once they fall out. To see the cute little surprise hiding under the lid, visit this post: Tiny Treasures.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I always appreciate your kind words and comments. Have a great day!~Anabelle


Anonymous said...

WOW! These projects are outstanding!!

Leigh Penner said...

I love that layout, Anabelle! So great how you used the bubble wrap with paint and glitter!
Great card and project, too!

Kimberly said...

Love the Golfer layout and your tooth box is wonderful.

whoistracy said...

Adorable!!! I love that lo- those dots are perfect.

Happay Mommay aka Happay Scrappay said...

gorgeous work! I love that tooth box. I need to make one of those for Elias. I have the perfect box now...hmm... thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful projects!
The tooth box is adorable! I've been thinking of doing something like this for my son. Yours has really inspired me!

Angie Tieman said...

Wowzers! That scrapbook page is amazing! I have to remember so I can case it! Love your precious box and darling card for 2 Sketches too! So much goodness in one post! =)

Julie Overby said...

Your layout is just outstanding!! I love the colors and design. Awesome!! Cute card too!! I really like the idea of making a tooth box. Fun stuff!

Daniela Dobson said...

I love that lyout, the colors and the sheer tags. The bubble wrap dots and glitter are awesome.
Adorable card and the little project. His little face is so cute showing all of his teeth. Alex is finally getting his first tooth.

Anonymous said...

Love the golfer layout... my favorite colors! And the tooth box is too cute. Great idea! Happy Wednesday Anabelle! Amy Tara

Staci Taylor said...

Gorgeous work, anabelle! I especially love your LO design - fabulous! And i've always meant to try the bubble wrap thing but haven't done it yet - thanks for the inspiration!

Mimmers49 said...

awe that tooth box is so cute! Love the card too!

Unknown said...

gorgeous projects Anabelle and love the sentiment of the owl too BUT the surprise under the lid is my best! I am so using this for my two girls - thanks for the continued inspiration :)

cnelson said...

i never ceased to be amazed by your work! looooove that lo so much! the card is so cute and the little box is fab!

Anonymous said...

Great card !!! And I love that little box !! Great idea !!

Audrey Pettit said...

I was wondering how you made the background paper on your golfer layout! How clever! That page is just absolutely amazing, as is all your work. Love, love your card, and totally awe-struck by your tooth box. SO sweet! Love what you did inside the cover! ;) And I can relate about your being sentimental. My DS just lost his very last tooth. We've been needing it come out for his braces, but still, it was sad for me.
Thanks for you offer on that kale recipe. I would LOVE to have it!

Jennifer said...

I love your creations!

Anonymous said...

wowzers. Seriously. wow. Awesome work.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

This is adorable. Love the little teeth precious.

Anonymous said...

Absolutly `beautiful Annabelle:)

Christy said...

Great projects :)

Dria said...

I totally LOVE the Golfer layout and the pop of red behind the alpas is terrific!

Nicole said...

GORGEOUS work, Anabelle! So intricate!

**Nancy** said...

Awesome creations!!! I love the little tooth box!!! Great idea! My dd just lost her first tooth!

~amy~ said...

Magnificent projects!!!