Saturday, May 30, 2009

Label Tulip Challenge

I'm finally posting my last project using the fun Label Tulip May kit. This was the layout I did for May's challenge. The challenge was to scrap something about yourself that not too many people know. I procrastinate. Anything that I don't enjoy doing will be put off until the last minute. I like to think I work best under pressure.

I used Cosmo Cricket, October Afternoon and Sassafrass Lass on this one.

Now for the fun part. You, too, can join in on the challenge. All of the info. is on this thread at Label Tulip. Just scrap something that not too many people know about YOU. Upload it to the Label Tulip gallery and link it to the challenge thread. You'll be entered for a chance to win this fun prize:

So, that's it for today. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by!


Deanna said...

Wow wow wow! Awesome!

Ink, paper and BLING! said...

I love it, and I am afraid I too Procrastinte!

cnelson said...

love, love, LOVE the lo! fun prize package!

Leslie Ashe said...

I am a HUGE procrastinator too! :D

I absolutely adore your page. Your use of colors always amaze me!! Design is SUPERB!


Cathy R. said...

LOVE this layout, Anabelle!!
Makes me feel happy to know that I am not the only procrastinator~!!

ellen s. said...

that is sooooo me too! i procrastinate a lot too, i don't know why b/c then it just weighs on my mind.

i love the detail on the layout, it's awesome!

Kimberly said...

Terrific subject for a page.

Danielle Flanders said...

Loved your take on the challenge! I'm a total procrastinator too, boy wouldn't we be a pair together. ha!

Babydoll said...

Found you from Danielle's blog. Hope you don't mind me stopping by! I love what you did for the challenge. I hope I'm able to participate in this one. :)

Sherry Wright said...

Loving the page and the circle design.. you rock!

Anonymous said...

LOVE that layout!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I just love the colors on this!
lol, I suffer from the same thing!

Kim Watson said...

Hi Annabelle...haha! it looks as if you have voiced an issue we all struggle with :o) Fabulous L.O BTW! I love the circle photo's in the little frames...& the 'slow' critters are a clever touch!

Great page!

roree said...

Super cute, Anabelle! Love the colors and all of the fun embellishments!

steph devlin said...

hey there Anabelle, omg girl, your work is so beautiful!!!! so glad I came by. thank you so much for taking the time to come and visit me and for your gorgeous comments that you leave. Blows me away each time. So glad we are friends, I feel so inspired looking at your beautiful creations. See you at Webster's ..... **sigh**
Steph xo