Today is such a bittersweet day. My heart is heavy thinking of all of our service men and women who are fighting to keep our country safe right now. I pray for them each day and think of the sacrifices they are making for us. I also think about their families and what they are going through on a daily basis. I can't even imagine. While I don't have a loved one serving right now, my dad is a vet of the Korean War and I know what he went through for our country.
My neighbor, Tom, returned from Iraq several years ago. I decided to make this tag for him and am going to give him something baked to go along with it just to let him know how much I appreciate his service.

I used Webster's Yacht Club mini papers along with Yacht Club trim, some of the new netting,the thread doily and a mini petal whimsy. I punched the stars from cardstock and added German Glass glitter.
Hope whatever you do today, you'll keep our troops in your thoughts. Have a great Memorial Day!