You are cordially invited to CELEBRATE with us! We are hosting a party for a very special guest of honor...our new “Let’s Celebrate” Collection and we want YOU to come share in the fun. Bright, bold colors combined with lush florals and sweet as sugar images (cupcakes anyone?) make this line the princess of any party and she has quite the guest list of friends that are going to accompany her...who’s ready for new embellishments???
So we are pulling out all the stops. Starting Monday, June 20th through Friday, June 24th we will have a week- long Celebration with Games, Prizes, Sneak Peeks, New Products and Inspiration Galore. The fun starts off with the first sneak of our new line bright and early Monday morning (the design team has been hard at work creating AMAZING projects for EVERY type of crafter) then we have a game that we are tickled pink to play with you all. We will start the fun all over again each day, every day, all week long.
You will be able to find all things Party Related in our Let’s Celebrate forum at inspireME in this link
HERE. So make sure to check it often as we update and you can ask any questions there as well. What’s the first thing you are going to do Monday morning?? No, not have breakfast...You are going to come start at inspireME and have some fun. Can’t think of a better way to start out the week, can you?
So put those party hats on, bust out the noise makers and come party with us!
In other exciting news, I can share that I just got back from my vacation. (I don't like to share where I'm going ahead of time because I don't want people to know my house is empty. I preposted the last several posts.) Anyway, we were gone for almost two weeks on an Alaskan cruise and spent some extra time in Seattle! It was amazing!! (All except the part where we got the stomach flu at the end of the trip...) Anyway, here are a few of my favorite pics... As soon as I go through them all, I'll post more.

Our ship, the Celebrity Infinity. It was amazing. Awesome service, great amenities and the food was fabulous.

Seattle was great, though I don't think I could live there since it was cool and rainy most of the time we were there. It's an AWESOME city - so many fun restaurants and things to do. We met up with my brother and sister in law after the cruise and had a blast with them over the weekend - until I got sick!

One of the best things we did was take a flight into the Misty Fjords in Ketchikan. The plane was tiny and BUMPY, but the views were spectacular. We set down in the middle of it and were surrounded by pure beauty.

We cruised through Tracy Arm Fjord one morning and it was gorgeous. We were up at 6am sitting on our balcony and taking tons of pictures.

Juneau was awesome! Wish we had more time to spend there. We hopped a shuttle out to the Mendenhall Glacier. It was gorgeous. Our moms stayed at the visitors center and we hiked out to it. There was an amazing waterfall there, too.

In Skagway, we took a bus/train tour to the Yukon. Talk about amazing views!!! This one was taken from a suspension bridge. It's amazing to see so much wide open, untouched land. It's just awesome!!
Well, I'm off to unpack and hit the grocery store. Thanks for stopping by!!!!