How is it that it is already August? This summer is going by too quickly!!! There are still so many things that I want to do. I can't complain, because we've had a great summer so far, but I wish we could tack an extra month on to it. This year is especially hard for me, as I'm counting down the days until my little guy leaves me for school all day. I think about it every day and it makes me so sad. Our lives will be so different in a short while. I have to head back to work and we'll be doing that rushing out the door in the morning thing. (UGH) No more leisurely mornings in our PJs, no more lunches together, no more running errands. Sigh....
So, here are a couple of more projects. This first one is a layout I did using the new Pink Paislee Amber Road papers.

This one uses the Twilight line. Don't I look lovely in this photo? Ha!And yes, that's my dear hubby with me. :)

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by! :)
You are heading back to work? Wow, what will you be doing?
Fab layouts as well. Heck, "as usual." lol
Wow, these are gorgeous layouts!! Love the glittered letters, and all of the wonderful details!
i know what you mean about school days. i love that i have a job where i can take my time getting to work after he leaves b/c it doesn't seem {as} crazy. but that pull in my stomach when they wave to you as the drive away never leaves.
i have to say those glitter letters are FUN! and i love you guys dressed up! i agree that halloween isn't just for kids ;)
they are beautiful!
I'm sure it will be hard letting your lil' guy go off to school all day... I think I'd be bumming too! :( Hang in there!
Love the pages... I'm really liking what all I see of the Amber Road!
Awesome pages Anabelle. Love the pumpkin patch one especially! Happy Monday! ~Amy Tara~
I LOVE Halloween and these layouts are really putting me in the mood. Heck who cares if summer is almost over when there's FALL to look forward to? I feel for you about the school and work thing though. Hugs! D
Fabulous work Anabelle! And you are the prettiest witch I've even seen!
I agree about the back to school turmoil...I really LOVE the lazy days of summer.
amazing layouts - lovin those new lines!! :) smiles, m-
Very lovely work!
MIND BLOWING as always ... I love your style of scrapping and the papers look fabulous .. so I know I will be seeing these all around .. love em
Gorgeous layouts, Anabelle. I so love your style.
oh, Anabelle! hugs to you! I bet that will be such a change but hopefully you can find something in the work force that you enjoy doing so it doesn't seem sooooo hard. Why do the babies have to grow up? Your layouts are beautiful! i love the Pumpkin one - the colors are rich and beautiful and the halloween of you and hubby is great! i love his costume and I think you make a beautiful witch! Like Glenda - the good witch! ;) --- have a great day!
Gorgeous layouts. I am loving the new PP and your lo's really make it shine :)
Love your layouts!! Enjoy these last few days of summer!!
I KNOW!! Did August NOT sneak up on us or what! :D I totally know how you feel about school days!!
I LOVE your gorgeous layouts. You sure have a style that I ADORE!!!!!! I want to just be you when I grow up...ok? ;D
HUGS Anabelle! Thank you for your sweetness you left me on my blog!
Oh, I so love those. I am getting into the spirt of Halloween myself. Just dug out the halloween stamps last night. FUN!!!!!
Gorgeous work!
Just beautiful! Your work is stunning!
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