Then, they took him by the hand and led him inside. Now that they are second graders they are pros. ;)
He didn't even look back. I guess that's a good thing. I held it together pretty well until I got back into the car. Then I cried the whole way to work.

Luckily, my first full day there was SUPER busy, so I didn't have much time to wallow in my sadness.
I guess we have officially started the next phase of our lives. But, boy, do I wish we were still in baby/playgroup/preschool mode.
So, if you look at the picture of Ryan, you'll see he's holding a gift bag. Inside of it is this cute little survival kit I sent his teacher. I found the actual kit in a craft store and made a little box and matching card. I sent her a container of 'Smarties', too.
The papers and die cuts are mostly October Afternoon.

Here's the info. that went with the kit:
Teacher Survival Kit:
Band Aid: For when things get a little rough.
Crayon: To color your day bright and cheerful.
Candle: For when you are up late grading papers.
Eraser: To remind you that everyone makes mistakes and they can be erased.
Hugs and Kisses: For when you need a hug.
Jewel: Because you are so precious.
Marbles: To replace the ones you've lost.
Mint: To remind you that you are worth a 'mint'.
Mounds Bar: For the mounds of confidence you give your students.
Paper Clip: To hold it all together.
Sponge: To soak up the overflow when your brain is too full.
Starburst: To give you a "burst" of energy when you need it.
Tissues: To wipe away the tears-yours and theirs.
Puzzle Piece: Without you, the class wouldn't be complete.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day. :)