So, I'm finally back with a few more CHA photos. It's taken me forever to sit down and edit everything. This has been one of 'those' weeks. Things keep popping up that have prevented me from doing the things I really want to do.
As I said in the last post, spending time with Jess and Cindy was just wonderful! On Monday, we left the show early, stopped for a photo with the Goofy statue at our hotel and hit the mexican place in Downtown Disney for an early dinner. The margaritas were amazing and I had the best fish tacos ever!!! We hit California Adventure that evening. We love just walking around and hanging out together. And Jess was thrilled to go to the animation presentation (her favorite thing in the world) while Cindy and I did Soarin'.

On Tuesday, we did a lot of shopping. I can't wait for Emma's to start getting everything in. We also met up with lots of friends! Some new ones....

This is Stephanie (Arty Carty), my friend from the Nook. I was so glad we got to catch up. She is so sweet and I wish we'd had more time to hang out. Good thing we can do that on the board. :)
We also saw some old friends. I still feel so connected to my old Paper Salon teammates. We've gone our separate ways, in some cases, butsomehow, we are still close (Jess and Cindy and I were on PS together....)
Here we are with Kelly Purkey. She's adorable as ever....

And we stopped by Kim Hughes' booth several times. It was adorable and we are so happy for her that her line Paper Smooches is doing so well!

Tuesday afternoon, we went to Napoli in Downtown Disney. See these Pumpkin Ravioli with Brown Butter and Sage sauce? They were unbelievably awesome!!!

Are you seeing the food trends?? LOL Then, we hit the Magic Kingdom. It was great, but one of my favorite rides - Small World - was closed!!!! Luckily, I got to go on Thunder Mountain Railroad, my all time favorite. :)
On our last day, Wed., we finished our shopping and wrapped things up. We stopped for pics with Terri Anderson and Ashley Harris. Love those girls!!

Of couse, we had to cap the trip off with lunch at PF Changs and the Wall of Chocolate!!

It really is OK to eat if it's shared three ways. Hardly any calories at all! LOL!!!
So, as you can see, it was a fabulous trip!! :)
I'll leave you today with a card that I did recently.

I used some Crate Peppermint and Emma's Shoppe here. The Pinwheel is topped with an American Crafts flower.
Thanks for stopping by today and have a great day!