First up, I have a page that I did recently. I've been having a lot of fun using my Crate Paper stash lately. This page was done for the CP Blog challenge to scrap a routine. Well, I decided to do my LEAST favorite one which is unloading the dishwasher. It NEVER ends!!

I used the Portrait line on here, with a bit of School Day. I decided to add a bunch of circles to show that the job is NEVER ENDING. (like a circle, get it?? LOL!)This was a lot of fun to make!

Next up are a few pics from yesterday. First, here's the gift box that Ryan took into school. I tucked a little kitchen towel, with an apple on it, inside. Just a little something to start the year off. I like to give first day gifts for the teachers to celebrate the hard work they have already put into getting things started. Setting up the classroom, prepping the materials and tons of meetings are always a part of the end of August for teachers. So, a little goodie to say thanks and good luck is well deserved, if you ask me! Again, I used Crate School Day on here.

And being the "crafty-sucker for anything cute and yummy-dork" that I am, I sent in these adorable treats, too.

(I found the recipe on Pinterest. Arent't they cute???)
Finally, here are some pics of my little guy. It's hard to believe he's in third grade already! I still get teary on the first day of school!

Funny story. We were sitting here the night before school started and out of the blue he says, 'Mom, don't make me wear a sweater vest to school tomorrow. Ok? They're geeky.' Guess he'd been thinking about that one a lot. As you may know, I've been known to dress him up for the first day. LOL! Anyway, I told him he could wear his cool new Shawn White outfit (from Target, no less). The 'coolness' factor is setting in! Notice the hair. He came down and told me NOT to brush it. He told me he'd already done it and he liked the 'messy look'. I wanted to grab the brush, but I was good and didn't. :) Just hope he's not asking to dye it blue anytime soon. I can give up my sweater vests and need for neat hair, but that would be asking too much!
Finally, one last shot. I love how this one turned out. Just me and him.

I chopped about 5 inches off my hair the other day. (Patty, this photo is for you!)
Thanks for reading my novel today! And thanks for stopping by. Have a great day. :)