Here is a really special layout to me. First, because I adore this picture of Ryan. And secondly because of the overalls he's wearing. I've typed out the journaling so you can see why. Finally, this page is special because it's the first one that has been in Memory Makers. It's in the July issue. ;)

Journaling: They began their life as the uniform of a train engineer in New York City. Grandpa wore them as he drove steam locomotives. He retired in the 1960's and Grandma cut them down for a 4 year old Albert. He wore them all the times he played with his trains. When Ryan was born, I was excited that he'd get to wear them, too. At 4, they finally fit! The little overalls have made it to a third generation. They may be small, but they carry a long and loving legacy.
Yes, that's me in my favorite yellow dress in the photo with my brother. ;)
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