First up is this page I made using my current favorite photo of Ryan and me. I used a mix of Western Romance and Botancial Christmas. It's a fairy simple page, but I wanted the quote to stand out. I found it on Pinterest and knew I had to scrap it!!!

I used my Glue Glider Pro and their U Cut It Foam adhesive to add some dimension to the page.

I used some journaling cards to layer under my photo and the favric ticket was perfect for the title.
Next up is this page of Ryan on the day he got his Green Belt in Tae Kwand Do. He was so proud, not only that he got his belt, but that he got the trophy for most improved.

Again, I used the foam adhesive to add dimension.

And I used my favorite Extreme Squares to add my heart whimsy to the page. These glue squares are AWESOME! Think Glue Dots on steroids. If you want something to stay put, they do the trick!

Be sure to stop off at both blogs, as we are doing some fun giveaways in addition to providing lots of inspiration.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! ~Anabelle
Such FAB creations!
Wowzers, you never ceaze to amaze me with your gorgeous work using Webster's products! Your layouts are both totally stunning!
Oh Anabelle, that first layout takes my breath away girl! The second one is just as wonderful. Amazing work as always girl!
Love both these layouts! Gorgeous detail on both of them and love that they are not over-detailed but just perfectly done!!
Anabelle, I just love everything you do sweetie, particularly your cards atm, they are such an inspiration to me ........ hope you are well and happy xo
Gorgeous pages, Anabelle! I always love to see you work your magic with Webster's. :)
fabulous work!
fabulous work!
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