Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back From Disney World!

I think I need a vacation from my vacation! LOL! We just got back from a 5 day trip to Disney World. It was a blast! My husband is one of five and all of us were down there to celebrate his mom's upcoming birthday. There were 18 of us! We made lots of memories and had so much fun. Though, the heat was awful. It was 97 degrees on Sunday - a record. So, now I'm digging through piles of laundry and am trying to get back in the swing of things. I don't even want to think about the fact that we only ohave 27 more days of summer vacation!!! ;(

So, here's my first project. I made this page using lots of Webster's Garden Gala goodies. You can see the whole list at the Emma's Blog, along with a little tutorial on how to make the glittered bloomers.

Speaking of Webster's Pages, there's a fun challenge going on over there this month. The Design Team is being featured, rather than having a guest designer. Check out this post for tons of inspiration. We each did a project showing how it could look in a simple, moderate and complex form. Here's my card - the complex version. (I had a hard time with the simple one...)

To participate in the challenge, all you have to do is lift one of the DT projects and post it in the gallery. You could win a fabulous prize!

Well, that's about it for today. Thanks so much for stopping by!


Debbie Hodge said...

Hi, Annabelle, WOuld you email me? I'm writing an article for http://www.GetItScrapped.com and I'd like to include one of your layouts -- would link back and credit you. I'm at debbie@debbiehodge.com Thanks.

Romy said...

Hi Annabelle, I was just stopping by to say how much I love your creations...your work is always so amazing and you do have an unique style. This layout and card are fantastic too!

Melanie said...

Orlando in July/August!?? OH MY!!! You need to recover from the heat. The layout is beautiful!!! Can't wait to see all the beautiful photos! I *heart* WDW!

Anonymous said...

these are just gorgeous! I lov ethe pops of red!

(-: Heidi

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

How fun is that, I love disney world! Thanks for sharing your beautiful project once again, amazing layout and lovely card!

Danielle Flanders said...

Glad you had a good time! I LOVE that layout!

Andrea Amu said...

Glad you had fun family time in Disney! I bet it was sweltering!

Such a lovely banner on this page of yours! Gorgeous, girl!