Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back in the Groove

I think I'm finally back into my groove. It took a while, but I finally found my post-vacation mojo. ;) I created my first official 'Flower Girl' layout for Prima and I can't wait to share it.

Just a couple of things to share today. First up is this card that I made for Emma's. I used lots of Cosmo Cricket Material Girl goodies.

I created the June sketch for Emma's this week and this is what I based the card off.

So, now, I have a few photos of Pulu. We are just in love with him. My husband was the ultimate 'cat hater' before this little guy joined our family. (He conceded to get him only because Ryan really wanted a kitten...) Now, the kitten has him wrapped around his little paw. LOL!

Getting a good shot was hard. Have you ever tried to get a 9 week old kitten to sit still? But I managed to get a few good pics. Here he is...

Isn't he adorable??? You'll see these pics on a page soon!
So, that's about it. Thanks so much for stopping by!


Heather Rogers said...

Totally fabulous card! Love your sketch. I will go check it out. Your new kitten is adorable. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, such a beautiful card! I love those Cosmo papers!

Such a sweet kitty...he looks just like our new one!

(-: Heidi

Melissa said...

Wow--beautiful card!!

Kimberly said...

Love the layers on the card. Your kitten is very sweet looking.

cnelson said...

Lovin' that absolutely fabulous card! Those kitty pics are adorable!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Simply amazing, I love the colors and the layers!
Great picture with that kitten!

Kathy said...

Great card, and a cute kitte

Janinek said...

Oh your sweet kitty cat is adorable! LOVE the pics you have taken.

shawnte said...

awww. . . your cat is so cute