Saturday, February 27, 2010

CPS 155

It's been a while since I've been able to do a CPS sketch, so I was really excited to do this card this morning. I was supposed to go up to school and work at the school carnival, but it was postponed due to the snow yesterday. So, what did I do? Sat in my scraproom all morning! Woo Hoo!

Anyway, I made this one for a friend who just had a baby boy. I am officially in love with Webster's new Lullabye Lane collection. It is absolutely gorgeous.

I used the mini papers and a journaling card from the set. I added some Zva pearls and flowers. And see that cool vintage button on the bow? I just scored it this week at my favorite antique mall. :)

Don't forget to stop by Monday morning for the Zva blog hop. I'm sure the girls are going to have some amazing projects. And there will be prizes involved. ;)

Thanks for stopping by!


Clare said...

This is a beautiful card, I love the layers and texture. C x

Tamera said...

Wow! Gorgeous!!

Patty O'Malley said...

Love this card! The vintage button is perfect!

Sherry Wright said...

Beautiful card & I love your new photo. You're so pretty. ;)

Kathy Martin said...

What a darling baby card! Love that button on your ribbon!

Elena Litvinova said...

Beautiful card

cnelson said...

So sweet! I adore that image!

Carmen said...

Love the old fashioned buggy and the button. The papers are adorable, as we've come to expect from Websters. Gorgeous card!

Mel said...

This is truly stunning, just love the old fashioned pram.

Daniela F. said...

Gorgeous card!! I didn't know one can sew over chipboard... Love the colors and patterns together :)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful Anabelle! Every element is just perfect!

(-: Heidi

barnscrapper said...

Love your layout. The colors are great. I love all the pearls and flourishes.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!I am speechless!!!!

DeeDee said...

Love these colors, and that button is fabulous!