Thursday, September 3, 2009

Raspberry Suite Challenge

So far, so good. We seem to be settling into a routine. Kind of. ;) I'm in hyper -organized mode and everything that needs to be done has been getting done. I can't say I love being a working mom, yet, but it's not too bad. It definitely makes my time home with the little guy that much more precious.
In between running myself around this week, I managed to make a couple of cards!
this first one is for Dawn's challenge. The colors are really 'fallish', so I pulled out my new PTI Fall Elegance set and made this little card. The vine is from Beyond Basic Borders.

I added some Zva crystals to it. Love the little touch of bling they bring.

I also decided to pull out my Heartprints set again this week. I love this set!!! When I went to Dawn's blog to pull up the color challenge photo, I noticed she used the same set on a card. And they are quite similar! Great minds must think a like. Here's a fun little Valentine.

The circle of gems is Zva, too! And the die cut paper is from Making Memories.
Well, that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


Melissa said...

Both cards are beautiful! I love the leaves with the bling! And your valentine is so sweet! Have a great day!

Kimberly Crawford said...

Love them both, but those hearts are really fabulous!!!

Maureen said...

this is so the leaves and bling and edge punch...gorgeous!

Kimberly said...

Oh, I love those jewel tones in your Thanksgiving Card. Lovely.

Lindsay said...

Gorgeous cards! I love all of the stitching on the Thanksgiving one!

Linda Beeson said...

These are both wonderful, Anabelle! LOVE how your first card fits the color scheme so wonderfully.

Edna Morrisedie said...

Great use of the colour challenge, I love how you have pieced everything together and the bling is the perfect touch!!

2nd card is lovely too, great use of the hearts and the scalloped background...

Scrapping Julie said...

yummm...this are FAB!!!!

Lisa H. said...

two sweet cards. LOVE all the patterns you used.

Deanna said...

Love what you did with this color combo!

Wendy Kwok said...

I love the colours on these cards! Lovely

Jane said...


Sherry Wright said...

Wow girl, your stamping is so fab!! Ryan looks oh so adorable on his first day. Big ((hugs)) to you!

Anonymous said...

These are stunning! I love all the layers!

(-: Heidi

Unknown said...

Both cards are gorgeous!

Terri Trotter Earley said...

Love all of your stiching and bling. Fabulous job with Dawn's color challenge.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Audrey Pettit said...

Beautiful cards, Anabelle! Love the color combo of the first. I'm a huge fan of all things Fall! ;) And I have to say that your Valentine card is just stunning, too.

cnelson said...

completely lovely creations! always a joy to view your work!

Amy said...

Congrats on being chosen for the spotlight!

Elise said...

Exquisite cards! You are a mega talent, that's for sure! Congratulations on being chosen for Dawn's spotlight! Wahoooo!

Chrissy said...

Your cards are just so perfect! A great balance of color and I love the stitching! Congrats on making the spotlight!

jen said...

Gorgeous cards- no wonder you made the spotlight! :)

Winter said...

Congrats on the spotlight! :)

Chris said...

What beautiful cards! Many congrats on making the spotlight :)

Mary J said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Well deserved!

farmhouse-story said...

love all of the layers-especially the crystals! congrats!

Jessica said...

I love all the little touches on this card! Congrats on the spotlight!