Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Magazine Special Thanks! Blog Hop

Welcome to the Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Magazine Special Thanks! Blog Hop. If you are hopping along, you probably arrived from Sarah Jay's blog.

It's a sad time in the scrapbooking and paper crafting industry.  Saying goodbye to Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking Magazine is yet another sign that things as we have known them are no more. I have to admit that when Paper Crafts and Creating Keepsakes merged and became digital, that was the beginning of the end for me. I have never liked digital publications. But, I've loved following the blogs, the editors Facebook feeds and news about the magazine.

As I prepared this post, I took a long walk down memory lane. My paper crafting days go back to 2004. Shortly after I started posting my work online, I was asked to join the Paper Salon design team. Most of the girls on the team were experienced at submitting and knew how the publishing game went. I knew I wanted in!

I started submitting, and it took a while, but I started having projects picked up with smaller publications. Sometime in 2005, I received my first email from Paper Crafts requesting a card for their Stamp It Cards issue. Here is that lovely creation. It's the hand doodled one on the right. (Can you say blech??? So glad my style has changed!))

About 6 months later, I received an email from Cath Edvalson asking me if I'd be interested in completing an assignment for the January 2007 issue. I almost fell out of my chair. I'd never had anything picked up for one of the regular issues, let alone had an assignment. I was so excited. I completed this journal (using Paper Salon products) and was thrilled when the issue came out. 

After that, I began working closely with Cath and the other editors. I have such fond memories of collaborating with Jennafer Martin, Meghan Hoeppner, Jennifer Schaerer, Brandy Jesperson and Susan Opel, among others. 

I went on to be published regularly until 2012 or so when life got in the way and I stopped submitting. During that time, I had projects on 3 covers. It was such an exciting time and receiving acceptance emails NEVER got old. My heart always skipped a beat when I received them. 

As I reflect on the memories that I have of Paper Crafts (the publications, the assignments, working on special issues - remember Paper Craft Gourmet?, CHA, etc.), I'm so sad that it's all over. But, the memories will always remain. I can only imagine how sad it is for the editors! So, I created this little tag as a reminder for them.

That Webster's Pages sticker says it all. I wish them nothing but the best and hope that their future efforts bring them happiness and satisfaction.They are a wonderful group of women and I have no doubt that they will be a big success no matter where they end up.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  If you are following along the blog hop, your next stop will be Michelle Boyer. 


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)