Saturday, December 6, 2014

Gossamer Blue December Projects

Just popping on to share one of my latest Gossamer Blue projects. The kits went live this week and are just wonderful. They have lots of Teresa Collins and Amy Tangerine product in them - perfect for Thanksgiving or for any other occasion.

On this spread, I decided to pull several of the aqua/mint cards. I also used the printables on here. This page was made solely with the Life's Pages Main kit.

I love the printables this month. I added them to both of the cards on here.

I used several of the Amy Tangerine puffy stickers on this page. And I tried something new. I broke out my Cuttlebug and embossed the bottom right card. Love the pola dot effect it gave it.

That's all for now. I'll be back soon with more GB projects. Thanks!

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