Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gossamer blue December Memories Blog Hop

Hi! And welcome to the Gossamer Blue December Memories Blog Hop. You are certainly in for a treat, as the design team has been working really hard to create with the gorgeous December Memories kit.

I have gotten started with my cover and base pages. I'm still not sure how I will organize it. I might do random memories throughout the month or do a photo a day prompt. I think I will see what kinds of things we end up doing. 

Here is the cover of my album. I decided to keep it simple with the bold stripes. I added the silver bookplate from my stash.

Here is my intro page. I love doilies, sequins, glitter, vellum and lots of light and airiness in my album. There's a little bit of all of that on this page. :) It's hard to see the different layers that are peeking through when you photograph it. But, I left lots of spaces to do that.

I decided to cut some stars, stitch them and layer them right onto my page. I love the texture and dimension this brings.

Here you can see the sequin pocket filled with glitter. The velum star is peeking through from the other side!

I love the colors in the kit this year. I also love being able to make the colors pop by adding lots of white.

On this spread, I used a 6 by 8 page protector and adhered one of the large
glassine bags on the outside. I folded it in half and created a little pocket for a journaling card. I'll be putting a photo on the inside flap.

On this little pocket, I adhered a die cut to the outside and added sequins, glitter, vellum and wood inside of it.

I found  large doily in my stash and decided to add it here. One of the wood veneers and the puffy sticker look great on it.

Are you seeing a pattern here? More sequins and glitter!

Here's another spread. Do you see the bottom of the Christmas tree peeking through on the bottom right?

Well, here it is. I cut half a tree and stitched it inside the large page protector. More glitter, more sequins and I even added some to the outside of the protector.

I just love the script on this card. Just added a couple of enamel dots for a punch of color.

I love the little velum square and gave it it's own space on this page.

The acrylic word and snowflake worked great behind it.

On this page, I added one of the smaller glassine bags in the pocket. Then I tucked a tag from my stash into it. I like how it sticks out and layers onto the card above it.

Finally, another star.  I love how it looks next to the 'believe' card. 

I will probably add more pages and more details to these ones. But, I'm really happy with the start I've made. I'm determined to finish my album this year!

Now, for more inspiration, you can hop to the rest of the team. I can't wait to see what they've created. Your next stop is Beshka's blog.

Let me know if you'll be using the GB December Memories kit and leave a link if you'll be blogging. I can't wait to see what everyone does with it.

Thanks for stopping by!

Anabelle O'Malley (you are here)


  1. Love the half tree inside the pocket! I may be lifting that idea :)

  2. Beautiful., and full of cool ideas..thanks for sharing!

  3. You have so much done already!! I am jealous. It all looks sooooo amazing, love every little bit of this!! xx

  4. Wow, Anabelle! There is so much here to look at that this is my second time visiting your post today! I just want to take it all in it's all so gorgeous! I'm always inspired by you.

  5. Love this! Thanks for the walk-through, so inspirational!

  6. Gorgeous Annabelle!
    I just LOVE your style so much!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Love your pages and the little surprises.

  8. I don't know how I missed this.... WOW, this is glorious!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)