Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Just popping on to wish everyone a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving. We live in such a crazy, hate filled world. The news is awful to watch each day. So, I try to keep focused on the good in life. I am so lucky to have a wonderful family, caring friends, a job I love and a hobby that I'm absolutely obsessed with . There is gratitude to be found every day.

Thought I'd share these cards I recently made for Emma's. I love the combination of the Petaloo flowers, Prima gems and Kaisercraft tags. And of course, I have to have some doilies!

So, if you are celebrating today, I hope you are surrounded with love and gratitude. And great food!

Thank you for stopping by. I am truly grateful for my readers, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Beautiful cards. Those flowers are so pretty. Happy Thanksgiving! <3

  2. Your cards look truly gorgeous! I just love the neutral tones of them and the pretty orange flowers.


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