Friday, January 4, 2013

My Top Ten for 2012:: Just a Bit Late!

This year has just flown by! I can't believe we are finishing the first year of 2013. Thanks to all of you who stop by my little blog and visit me throughout the months. I hope that you find some inspiration when you do. I truly appreciate your encouragement and support.

I thought I'd end/begin the year with my top ten favorite projects for the year. I love visiting everyone's blogs and seeing what their's are, too, so let me know if you've done a Top Ten post.

Here are mine in no particular order.

This one has lots of Studio Calico and Elle's Studio goodies on it. I love the photos of Ryan in Marco Island, too.

A Crate page I made using Paper Heart. That yellow striped paper is my all time fave, I think.

I think this one was my most favorite from last year. I love the sunburst and the pic of my buddy, Amanda, and me lounging in the warm gulf waters brings back the best memories.
I used my Silhouette on here and love the stars and heart from Studio Calico.

One of my 2013 scrappy goals for the year is to stamp more. I love the stamps I used on this page.
This Webster's page has lots of pink on it. I love pink on boys' pages. :) I made the flowers from some trim.
This was a GDT lift page I did of Carol Monson. I loved making the banner with all of the goodies.
Another Webster's page. I had fun adding the velvet story marker and the bag of confetti!
I have been on a tag making roll lately. I just posted these and had lots of fun with all of the details.
This last card set is another one of my favorites. I love the colors in Webster's Park Drive collection. These were a lot of fun to make.

Thanks for stopping by today. Don't forget to let me know if you've done a Top Ten, too.

Happy New Year!


  1. Such awesome picks! Happy New Year!

  2. Beautiful!!!
    You are so talented! =)

    Happy New Year!!!

  3. Enjoyed looking at the beautiful projects of the last year. I need to work up to getting ten favorites of mine yet. lol

  4. I have enjoyed looking at your projects every time you post and this is a great summary of your 2012's top 10, great inspo!

  5. Loved your Top 10 list- gorgeous, gorgeous designs~!!


  6. Anabelle you make such wonderful creations! The are all so unique and varied yet have the most intricate details. Love your stuff girl! All the best in 2013 to you and yours.:)

  7. Oh my! So much inspiration here! I think the sunburst layout is my favourite layout EVER! Happy new year!

  8. Fabulous projects Anabelle!! Love your style so much! My fav is the furry friends! Awesome!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)