Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post Christmas Eat Fest

So, I have been pigging out for three days! Probably more than that if you count the days leading up to Christmas. At this point I'm throwing all caution to the wind and am just going with it. This morning I had 2 Hershey's kisses, a mini Reeses cup and a glazed donut for breakfast. I never eat like this! Oh well, Jan. 1 will be here and I'm going back to a low carb regimen. :) I don't even want to get on the scale.

Today, I have some tags to share. I made these a while ago and never got the chance to post them. I made them with Webster's Best Friends line. I don't think I'll ever get tired of the colors in this collection.

On this one, I used one of the cameos and one of the story markers. They go perfectly together!

 The flower on here was orginally cream colored, but I spritzed it with Mr. Huey Dewey and love how it matches.
 I did some embossing on this one and added a mini Princess Petal. So cute!!
 That's all for today. I am off to go and create. I love being off from work! Thanks so much for visiting. :)

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Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)