Thursday, January 10, 2013

Holiday Thank You Cards

  Just when I thought I was getting back into my groove, I got sick AGAIN!! And, no, I didn't bring this one home from the preschoolers.  It's been running around our whole family. Fran and Ryan ended up with the flu on Friday. I got sick on Saturday and am only starting to feel half human again today. Maybe this is the week that I will get the whole work- home- scrapping- exercise routine under control! Wish me luck.:)

 Today I have some fun cards to share with you. I received several sweet holiday gifts from my kids at school and wanted to make them some cards to thank them for their thoughtfulness.  As you know, I'm all about white and doilies these days. So, I added a bit of paper and some embellishments that I'd made and I was good to go.
  I created the embellishments using strips of paper, a scrap of burlap, a sticker and a badge.

 The burlap strip has a couple of stitches down the center to give it the ruffled look.

I think the colors really pop off the white background.  These were really quick and easy to make and I can see myself using the same concept for some valentines soon!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day.


  1. These cards are so adorable! Be better soon!

  2. Gorgeous!!!! I really know how you feel. I've been sick for two weeks with Pneumonia and I am sick of being tired and sick!! :-)

  3. Your cards are such a gorgeous mix of white with fresh colours and I just love the touch of burlap.
    Hope you will feel better soon!

  4. Gorgeous layers. Great symmetry too.


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