Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Thanks to those of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers during Sandy. Amazingly, we fared really well and never even lost power. I still don't know how that happened since the eye of the storm passed right over us! But, there is devastation close by. Our favorite beach resorts have been heavily damaged and the people in northern NJ and NY are suffering greatly. I grew up on Long Island and have many friends still there, so my prayers are with them. It's hard to get excited about Halloween when there's so much going on. Thankfully, for the kids, everything is still on for this evening. We ended up not having school again today, so they are happy playing and preparing for tonight.

I thought I'd share some cards that I made recently using Webster's Once Upon a Halloween.

The base of each card is a WP journaling card. I added a bunch of embellishements to each.
 This one has some ric rac trim and a sticker.
 This one uses the sentiment stickers along with some twine.

 And my favorite kitty cameo is layered onto a piece of trim here.

Hope wherever you are today, you have a nice Halloween.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fabulous Halloween cards!
    Wishing you a very happy Halloween! Take care!

  2. So very glad you and your family are ok. The storms are so unpredictable. Terrible the devastation they cause plus the stress of waiting and watching and going through it.

    Anabelle, you make everything gorgeous...these cards are beautiful...I think I need that cat cameo :)


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)