Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lily Bee Guest Designer

Another week that flew by and here we are at Saturday, again. This week I was able to share some fun scrappy news. I was invited to be the Guest Designer over at Lily Bee! I just love their products and had so much fun creating with them. My work will be focused every Thursday this month.

Here is the first project I created. We focused on stamps this month. I used the Persnickety line to feature this cute photo of Pulu. He adores his kitty treats and first thing in the morning runs downstairs demanding that I give them to him. Of course, I have to oblige!

 I used the heart stamps as an embellishment on top of the journaling card.
 The border stamps were used to create a cluster at the top of the page.
 And I used stamps from the Autumn Spice set to create the border along the bottom.
 On this card, I used on of my favorite techniques - using white embossed images on kraft. I used the doily stamp from the Persnickety set on here along with Persnickety papers and cardstock stickers.

Can't wait to share the rest of the things I made for them this month. ;)
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Congrats on being a guest designer for Lily Bee! Your lay-out and card are both so beautiful. I love the stamped doilies!

  2. Congrats Anabelle!! I love your creations, especially the doily's on the card, so cute!!!

  3. Congratulations girl!! I'm so excited for you. I love your projects. You did AMAZING! That card with the doily stamp, wow! Well all of your projects are WOW!!!
    It was so FUN to see you as the GDT Anabelle!! Isn't Lily Bee the BEST!

  4. Congrats on being Lily Bee's guest designer! Love what you made! That card is so very beautiful (your stamping is awesome!) and that page is so darn cute!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)