Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy!

As I write this, hurricane Sandy is on her way. Very scary! I figured I'd post this morning while we still have power. Who knows what will happen after we lose it. The latest graphic shows Sandy passing right over our house! I've been praying for all of those who will be affected by this storm. At some point, we will be heading into the basement. Not a fun event at all...

Since the weather is so lousy, I thought I'd post a page from a nicer time of year - the summer! This one shows Ryan and one of his buddies at the pool.

 He learned the word 'chums' last year and loves using it. I used a mix of Webster's Best Friends and Game On.  The reds and blues of the lines are perfect with the picture.

I added some Elle's Studio's tags as accents. They are perfect with the line.

 The little fabric ticket peeking out behind the photo was a fun touch.

Another fun accent from the Best Friends line is the speech bubble paper. I tied it in to the title. I cut the word with my Silhouette and cut the sunburst with it, too.

So, that's about it for now. Not sure when I'll be able to get back on. Wish us luck!


  1. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, Anabelle.

    Thinking of you.

  2. your layout is perfectly great.
    prayers to you all during these next few days.
    and what a trooper you are.

  3. Praying for you and all involved Anabelle!! Stay safe!!! Much love!

    I love your layout. It's absolutely fabulous!!

    Miss talking to you!

  4. Definitely praying for everyone who will be effected by this storm! I hope you stay safe!

  5. Keeping you in my thoughts! Take care of yourself!

  6. What a sweet layout! So glad to have made it through the storm with little problems.

  7. Take care Anabelle!! Such a lovely layout :)


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