Friday, June 3, 2011

Odds and Ends

Things are starting to slow down a bit around here now that school is coming to an end. I will be working a few less hours and our after school committments have ended. Yay! I'm already loving the longer evenings and the fact that Ryan is playing outside so much more!

Speaking of endings, my time with Prima will be over next week. I've loved working with the amazing team of girls this year, but decided that one year was a good amount of time for me to be a part of the team, so I didn't reapply. I know that they are finishing up their review of the applications. Can't wait to see who makes the team for next year! I wish them all the best!!

Here's a page that I did recently. I used Sparkling Spring papers, some flowers, crystals and Sparkling Spring chipboard. Poor Ryan had horrible allergies this spring. I guess I shouldn't have given him flowers to hold for his Easter portrait. Oops... :)

This next page is one that I did recently for Vintage Street Market. I used the Party Games line to document his love of his scooter!

I used the linen tinted tape on this page, too. It makes great borders!

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. :)


  1. You've been such an inspiration for all of us as a Prima design team member. Your work, both with Prima and with other products, is simply stunning. Thank you for sharing all your gorgeous layouts, cards and altered items made with Prima with us throughout this year:) I also applied for the call, but don't think they'll ever pick me. The Prima team is just a dream team...and I keep dreaming;)

    Your layouts are both soooo gorgeous! Love the soft feel to the first one and the boyish look of the second one.

  2. Very beautiful both, love the differents styles!!!
    Gégé from FRance!!

  3. You have a wonderful blog!
    I’ve just made a blog with free vintage images that you can use in your beautiful works if you want to :-) Cheers!

  4. What great layouts, Anabelle! Love the totally different look and style of them both. Your Prima page is so elegant and so detailed. Poor Ryan and his allergies. We all have allergies in our house, so I can really relate. Love the VSM page, too. That frog really made me smile.
    You do it all so well, my friend. Looking forward to your next ventures. I know you have more great things up your sleeves. ;)

  5. You are so talented!! I LOVE everything you do! I know Prima is going to miss you soooooo much!!

  6. I remember when he was just starting Kindergarten! Time does fly, doesn't it! Beautiful projects as always!

  7. So-o pretty! lovely layout! Poor Ryan :).
    Love the such soft colours.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)