Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day! It's been a beautiful weekend here. I've gotten a lot accomplished since we didn't make any big plans. It's been hard watching the reports from the beach, as it has been sunny and over 90, but getting a bunch of spring cleaning done, working in the yard and doing some scrapping has made staying put worth it!

Today is such a bittersweet day. My heart is heavy thinking of all of our service men and women who are fighting to keep our country safe right now. I pray for them each day and think of the sacrifices they are making for us. I also think about their families and what they are going through on a daily basis. I can't even imagine. While I don't have a loved one serving right now, my dad is a vet of the Korean War and I know what he went through for our country.

My neighbor, Tom, returned from Iraq several years ago. I decided to make this tag for him and am going to give him something baked to go along with it just to let him know how much I appreciate his service.

I used Webster's Yacht Club mini papers along with Yacht Club trim, some of the new netting,the thread doily and a mini petal whimsy. I punched the stars from cardstock and added German Glass glitter.

Hope whatever you do today, you'll keep our troops in your thoughts. Have a great Memorial Day!


  1. That is so sweet of you! The tag turned out gorgeous. I bet he'll love it.

  2. Your tag is gorgeous, Anabelle! Love all the detail and the layered trims, and those glittered stars are fabulous. You are so very sweet to make this for your neighbor.
    Wishing you a very wonderful holiday today. :)

  3. Such a lovely thought, tag and post!

  4. this is a lovely tag..the layers are done so well, so sweet and suitable for a guy..a great remembrance for him!!

  5. This is so beautiful and meaningful. You should enter it in the Whimsical Wednesday Challenge. The challenge is to make a tag.


  6. Lovely, Anabelle ... simply beautiful! I adore the layered glittered stars!!! So sweet :)

  7. An adorable tag. Love it! Nelda

  8. You amaze me! This is beautiful! How very thoughtful!

  9. stunning work and I love the stars


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)