Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It seems like I haven't been able to post a lot of what I've made recently. :( I've been trying to work ahead on some projects and have been doing some other assignments this week. But, I do have this card to share with you.

I have a big stash of Crate Paper which I just love. So I thought I'd dig in and play along with their June Color Challenge.

I love the inspiration picture that Tara Anderson posted...

I ended up using stuff from their Snow Day, Restoration and Portrait lines.

I think the chipboard is my favorite part. They have such great chipboard images.

The next few days are going to be filled with end of the year fun for school. It is always so hectic! I can't believe I'll have a third grader soon. Where does time go.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovely card , chipboard is great

  2. Truly LOVELY!! LOVE that color combination!!!

  3. Great card! Love the colors and banner!

  4. oooh what a beautiful card! I love the fresh sparkly colors.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)