Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Box

I don't normally do those 'look what I got' posts, but I just had to today.. ;) Look what arrived yesterday! Holy goodness, there was a ton of stuff packed in there. I'm just overwhelmed!!! The Fed Ex man pulled up and unloaded it...

Then, he literally rolled it into the foyer. It was too heavy to lift.

Here's a view of what it looked like when I first opened it... (Um, yes, I look gross in this shot but it was the end of a long day and I have a nasty cold!!!)

I spread it all out to get a few shots. I feel like leaving it down in the living room for a while since I have to find space for it all in my scraproom now. ;) Plus, it looks like Christmas morning down there.

Here's a closer view of the goodies...

The sponsors were all extremely generous! A huge thanks to Memory Makers and Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, ANW Crestwood, Core'dinations, Die Cuts With A View, Dove of the East, Helmar, K & Company, Karen Foster Design, Me & My Big Ideas, Miss Elizabeth's, Pioneer Photo Albums, PreserveIt Frames, Prism Paper, Ranger, Tamron, Therm O Web (Mambi), Three Bugs In A Rug, We R Memory Keepers .

Can't wait to play!!!


  1. WOW! That is one seriously amazing box!!!!

  2. Holy Cow Anabelle! Very cool delivery. Love that shot of Ryan standing in front of the box. BTW, you look absolutely adorable, as usual!

  3. OH MY GOSH!!!! fun!!! Now that's my idea of Christmas!!! Char

  4. Wohoo! Annabelle so happy for you! That was one HUGE box of goodies that you are so deserving of!

    Thanks for sharing..that so made me smile! :-)

  5. Anabelle, Anabelee! WOWIE! What is too funny is how it flows all over your living room yet fit in that box! YUM in every possible way for you my friend!

  6. wow wow wow girl! You are so lucky! Have fun playing with all those goodies!

  7. I believe I would lock the door for days and days and play and play.
    Debbi M

  8. Oh my gosh!!! What amazing stuff! You lucky gal. I would have seriously passed out after opening that box. That's more stuff then I could ever afford. What generous sponsors. Can't wait to see what you make with it all!!

  9. Good grief! What an amazing, amazing box!
    I also wanted to give you props on my MM newsletter today. Loved all the stitching.

  10. It looks like you have a lifetime of playing there! Big congrats Anabelle and enjoy!

  11. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm soooo glad you took the photos! LOL. I have to have some sort of excitement in my life right now - so you just made my day. What an awesome goodie box. I'm just ooohing and aaaghing over everything. How fun!! And you look great - even with a cold. ;)

  12. Wow, I have never seen anything like it! That box is huge!!!!!!!
    Have fun with all those goodies!

  13. Ohh my jaw dropping big time. This is like every girls dream. You are so deserving. Congrats again !!!

  14. HOLY MOTHER OF LOOT! You are going to have so much fun with your goodies!

  15. Holy congratulations girl... you are so deserving of this...
    the poor mr fed ex... probably threw out his back... can you imagine what he must have thought was in there!!! lol

    how fun is that!

  16. thanks for the shot of the shrink-wrapped box. it was a bit of nightmare getting these boxes shipped this year; glad it got to you safely. What a bunch of swag ;-0

  17. Holy Crap girlie! That's a whole lotta loot. Enjoy every bit of it!!

  18. wow!! you are a lucky girl!!! look all those goodies !!! have fun playing with all those toys!! :)

  19. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm incredibly jealous! :) Congrats on the most well deserved person getting a position as a master!!!!

  20. OH WOW! What a wonderful box filled with goodies! I would feel like it was Christmas, too! How FUN!

    Congratulations again! You truly deserve this, Anabelle! :-D

  21. So happy for you my friend, enjoy thet huge box.. you deserve all that and more!

  22. How amazine Anabelle. What a wonderful box to received. Congratulations, I'm sure you'll have some fun creating with all those products.
    Fiona x

  23. Holy macaroni Anabelle!!!!!
    That is quite the box full o' schtuff... good for you!
    {I still can't get over the 'shrink wrap'... LOL!}

  24. wowzerrrs!!! That's some haul - and good for you! You deserve it, your stuff is FAB!

    Thanks for visiting my lil blog today, it's given me chance to come and see your amazing work !

  25. Holy cow girl...that is awesome! Enjoy it!


  26. Wowweeeee!!! Hope you are having lots of fun with all of that new stuff, and are able to find a place to put it. ;) Huge congrats, again!

  27. OMG ANABELLE!~! That is INSANE!!!!!! Congrats girl!!

  28. Oh my goodness Anabelle!!!! I can NOT believe how HUGE that package was. It looks like a refrigerator box of all things LOL. I hope that you enjoy all of those amazing products you won! you most certainly earned it.


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)