Friday, September 5, 2008

End of the Week!

Pheeeew, this was a crazy week! I finally got laundry all put away from our beach getaway just last night! Don't know where the time went.

We packed a lunch and met friends at Milburn Orchards this morning. The kids had a blast playing on the playground, feeding the animals and eating the Apple Cider Donuts(if you've never had them, they are SINFUL!) I'm so glad that Ryan is in a half day program so we can do stuff like this. I'm trying to smush this all in this year, before our time together is done.

I've been busy working on some things this week that, unfortunately, I can't share yet. I can share a layout I did for the MMM blog. Just click HERE to see it. I will be blogging once a week for MM. The girls have been posting some amazing things. Jaime showed these amazing necklaces. She got the kits to make them from Etsy and I had to order some!!! What an awesome way to use scraps!!! If you haven't checked out the blog, I highly recommend it. There will be one or two new posts each day. And all of the work is done exclusively for the blog by the team. I'm still amazed that I'm working with these amazingly talented women.

I'll leave you with this quick card. I used some Queen and CO. felt, MM chipboard and cardstock.

Finally, I was given this blog award from Summer Fullerton. (Thanks, girl!)

So, I am passing it along to these girls (who may have already gotten it, but oh well...I love their blogs anyway!)

Kelly--because she has the cutest boys and I love her cards!
Leslie-because she uses color like no one's business (and she takes such fun family photos).
Ashley--because she makes the most beautiful cards!
Julia--because she is the stamping QUEEN!!! I am so inspired by her!
Emma's Paperie Blog--because Cindy has the coolest store around and I'm always in awe of what my teammates come up with when she posts the projects on the blog each week.

Looks like we're going to be drenched with Hurricane Hannah tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The card is so cute and I saw your LO over at the Masters blog (also in my bloglines :-)) and I love it ! Gorgeous.

    I'm off checking out the blogs on your list. Have a great weekend

  2. Oh I love your work it is so detailed. love it all.

  3. I am not amazed you are working with such talented gals. You are just as talented. I am blessed to say that I served on a DT with you and WOWZERS...I have watched you grow into an amazing paper artist!

  4. Awesome card! And YOU are one of those amazingly talented women yourself :-) Thanks for the links... off to check them out!

  5. I agree everyone's work has been completely happy to be on the team with you! I love those jewelry pieces too!

  6. Have I told you today.. you rock!! Just checking. ;)


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