Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Few Cards

Not a lot I can share right now. (That seems to be a recurring theme around here, sorry.) Hopefully, soon, though!
Here are a few new things. First, this is my CPS card of the week. We were sponsored by ScraPerfect (that's spelled with ONE p). It's a little pouch that you rub on a surface before priting or stamping. I used mine on velum. I stamped a Cornish Heritage Farms backgrounder on there. Then I added a Pink Paislee topsider, some Sassafrass paper and a K and Co. sticker. The sentiment is a Scenic Route rubon.

This next one uses a mix of some older and newer Webster's Pages papers. I cracked myself up with the sentiment.

And last but not least, here's a set I did for Emma's this month. It uses the Melissa Frances boy line.

Well, thanks for stopping by. :) Have a great day!


  1. Gorgeous cards. I especially like the card and box you made with the Melissa Frences PPs.

    BTW, thanks for visiting my blog. :-)

  2. Absolutely ♥gorgeous♥ work Anabelle... always so very inspiring!!!

  3. Ooooh, I love your cards, Anabelle! And your pun on the second card was very cute, lol. And, OMG on all the stuff that you got!! It really was like Christmas, how exciting!! I know you will use it well :-)

  4. Such gorgeous cards sweetie!!! and of course I love that project you did for Emma's. :)

  5. Gorgeous projects Annabelle! I hear you on the not being able to share anything these days. Sheesh! I am lucky I have football photos/updates to post these days, or I wouldn't have much at all!


  6. Great cards! Cannot wait to see your MM stuff in the magazine.

  7. These are all so great as usual Anabelle! Love them!!

  8. WOW that sweetheart card is amazing girl! Love them all!!

  9. these are really gorgeous, Anabelle! I especially love what you did with the Melissa Frances!!

  10. Oh, you rocked the Melissa Frances collection!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)