Friday, January 2, 2015

January Gossamer Blue Spreads

Happy New Year! Hope the holidays were wonderful for you. They certainly were for me. We spent a couple of weeks surrounded by friends and family. I am truly blessed.

Gossamer Blue's January Kits are now live. You can see them here. They are wonderful for both Valentine's Day, as well as for every day themes.

Here are the spreads I created with the kits. This first one uses just the Life's Pages Main kit. The colors are really fun!

I added some of the printables on this page. I love adding stitching to them. One of my new favorite tools is my old electric typewriter. It's been sitting in my mom's basement for a LONG time. Well, I got it out, bought a new ribbon and have started using it on my pages. I love the way it looks. 

This next spread uses a mix of several of the kits. I used some of the cards from LP Add on 3. I also used a lot of the Dear Lizzy goodies that came with the kits this year.

Be sure to head over to the Gossamer Blue Gallery and see what everyone created! Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)