Sunday, December 28, 2014

Goodbye and Hello

I love the saying, "When one door closes, another opens." Well, that couldn't be any truer for me right now. After three wonderful years, I've made the tough decision not to reapply to Crate Paper's design team. I have loved working with Christine and the rest of the girls, but I felt that now was the time to move on. Here is the last project that I created for the blog. (Note, I didn't say my last CP project. I'll be making them for many years to come!)

I started this project off by painting an old thrift store frame white. Then, I pulled out some of my favorite Crate goodies and got to work. I did cut the deer from cardstock, painted it with Mod Podge and added the glitter.

I love the gold frame and wanted it to serve as the backdrop for the frame. I love the little buttons that came in the Open Book embellishment jar and added them to the top of the frame. 

I also knew I wanted to add one of the Open Book glittered bows, but the pink wasn't the right color for this project. So, I added the Mod Podge and glitter to this piece, too. Now it works perfectly!

Well, that's the closing door part of this post. Now, for the opening door part....

I was invited to be a part of Webster's Pages Planner Design team. I am over the moon excited! As you might know, I worked with WP for about 5 years, before leaving a couple of years ago. They have always been 'family' to me. The addition of the planner line to their products is just pure genius. I have been addicted to decorating my planners for over a year and being on this team will be such a fun way to share my addiction!

Thanks for stopping by today. Please visit again on January 1. I am going to be a part of the third Seasons Givings Blog Hop and have a huge giveaway. 

Have a great day!


  1. Beautiful frame and I know who is so happy to have it! Congratulations on your new adventure!

  2. Oh, this looks truly wonderful! I just love the touch of gold.


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