Monday, September 9, 2013

Studio Calico Guest Designer

Hi! How is it that September is already here. I am counting the days until Memorial Day for sure! School has started and we are trying to get into the swing of things around here. I won't lie, I'm not happy about it. But, I'm rolling with it.

One nice thing about September is that I am the Guest Designer at Studio Calico! I was so excited when they emailed and asked. The September kits are wonderful! I worked with the Main Kit as well as with the Waffle Cone and Licorice add ons. Here are a couple of my pages.

One of my favorite summer traditions is taking Ryan out for Ice Cream for Dinner night. We do it every year when Fran is away for work. Friendly's is our restaurant of choice. This page documents that night.
 I used the Amy Tangerine heart paper and cut it into smaller strips. Then I stitched around several of them and added some embellishments. It was simple, but I think packs a punch on this page.

This next page uses lots of items from the Licorice kit. Ryan and I dressed up as Bacon and an Egg for Halloween last year.
 The little card with the ampersand came from the In a Creative Bubble printables. It made the perfect backdrop for my title here.
 The kit came with a sheet of punch out wood veneers. I loved the negative space of the leftover sheet and decided to use that as a design element. I also broke out my Letterpress machine here. I used the alphabet and the camera plates on the card. When it was dried, I added some watercolors and wood veneers.

I have several more projects to share and will be back later in the week with them.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. Awesome layouts! Love those glossy buttons (I guess that's what they are called although they're not really buttons!).

  2. Great layouts! Congrats on guesting with SC this month!

  3. Congratulations on being the GDT at SC! Your layouts are fabulous!

  4. Woohoot, huge congrats! Your lay-outs are absolutely perfect!

  5. Congarts Anabelle!!! I always love your posts as it gives me lots to pin :-) Wonderful pages!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)