Thursday, September 12, 2013

More Studio Calico Layouts

I'm on a roll! This is my second post of the week. :) Today, I'm back with the rest of my Studio Calico layouts. I think this first one was my favorite of all. I only used the main kit on it. I also used the digital template. I had never used one before and was so excited to find out how easy it was. I printed it on watercolor paper to add some texture.

The Thickers that come with the kit are grey, so I painted them to match my page. Then I die cut the word Summer and added some of the cute puffy stars.
  I kept the embellishments to a minimum since I wanted the photo to be the main focus.
 This next page is about my new Filofax obsession. I love them! I am keeping one for my everyday stuff and one for scrappy/project life stuff only.
 To make the background I used several colors of Gelatos. Then, I misted over them. I die cut my title, but found it was too bright for my liking. So, I used the roller stamp and some white ink to give it a subtle pattern.
 There's lots of layering going on behind the photos. I love the gold doily most!
 Couldn't help but add a bunch of stars from the Licorice add on. They are so much fun.
 My next page is about Ryan's last day of school lunch from last year. He has been dying to try a Lunchable. They are off limits around here, but I caved for this special occasion.
 I used the roller stamp with clear embossing powder, then added some watercolor to it. Once dried, I punched circles from the paper to make these mixed media embellishments. I used the Word Bubble cut files and used the negative space from them to add the small words to my page.
 My last page highlights the photos I often find on my phone of Ryan. He loves taking goofy Selfies.
 I loved the angle on the My Mind's Eye paper, so I used that as the basis of my page.  I added several strips of other paper on to it and loads of frames around the photo.
 These cork frames are really cool. I love the color and texture they add to this layout.
Well, that's all for today. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. :)


  1. gorgeous layouts!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Spectular!!! The top one is my fav :-) I love these big picture layouts :-)

  3. Oh, these are all wonderful, Anabelle!

  4. Awesome layouts! You've been very busy!

  5. As always, your lay-out look so soft and beautiful! I really love them!


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