Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mom Mom's Birthday

Just a simple post for today. I haven't been getting as many layouts done this past week since I've been working on my December Daily. I've gotten 3 pages done so far. Woo Hoo! I'm really enjoying working on it. Hope I can keep up and that we have enough interesting things to do for me to document in it. :) I'm taking pics this morning, so I'll post those soon.

Here's a layout I did last week for Webster's. Recently my mother in law celebrated her birthday. We spend a lot of time at my sister in laws celebrating birthdays, etc. and this was one of our typical Sunday dinners there. I snapped this shot of Mom Mom and the grand kids. She hates it, but I love how happy they all look.

 I used Webster's Park Drive on here. I decided to have the banner be the focus of the page and wanted to use the Story Marker on there. I love them.
 You can't see it too clearly, but the page was spritzed with Heidi Swapp Gold Lame spray. I'm addicted to that stuff!
 I made a little confetti pocket and layered it next to the journaling card. Then I added more gold by punching some butterflies from the AC Wow paper. LOVE that stuff!!
This was such a fun memory and I'm glad I was able to capture it in a picture.

Speaking of Webster's, have you heard the news? Alison Kreft is joining the Webster's family and has created some amazing new designs for them. I'm over the moon excited as I have been a huge fan of her's for a long time now!

 Just check out this gorgeousness!! This is the first of two lines that will be released in Janurary. And you can win it! Head over to the Webster's Blog for details.
Thanks so much for stopping by today. Have a great day!


  1. gorgeous layout! wow...love every single detail!

    soooo excited for Alison's new collection!

  2. Oh I love this page, so fun! Love ow you ran the story marker down the banner, perfect detail. Very exciting news about Alison Kreft, that collection looks so amazing!

  3. Such a gorgeous, elegant lay-out! That story marker is the perfect finishing touch!
    Just looove thenew Alison Kraft collection - definitely a must-have!

  4. Your layout is gorgeous!!! And the news about Alison is so exciting!!!

  5. A gorgeous page as always I an such a fan :-) Love your style and how you embellish!

  6. What a great page!! and what a fun photo!!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)