Sunday, December 9, 2012

December Daily Days 1-8

I'm actually keeping up with my December Daily! I've been having a lot of fun collecting photos and documenting our December. So far, we haven't done a lot of Christmasy things, but it's been fun writing about the things we HAVE done.

I've already shared my cover, but thought I'd post the first few days. (I forgot to photograph day 6. Oops!) So, here we go...

Day 1- The return of Buddy the Elf.
 One fun thing about doing this project is that I get to use up whatever materials I'd like to. I'm finding that I'm adding in a lot of Hambly, especially as page dividers, to add some dimension to the project.
 Day 2 was about having pancakes with sprinkles. And Day 3 was about pulling out our decorations.

 I'm using vellum numbers from Crate's Sleigh Ride for my dates. And I'm adding a lot of doilies in for texture and visual appeal.
 Day 4 was about Ryan's favorite decoration - the Nutcracker. Day 5 was about the Christmas Carols he's learning to play. I listed them and tucked them into the vellum envelope I made.

 I'm loving the holiday home decor line at Target so I dedicated page 7 to that.
Day 8 was about shopping for our nearby breakfast mission. I'm trying to help Ryan see that the holidays are about giving, not just getting.

 I love these Silhouette word circles. I punched some snowflakes from glitter paper and they look so pretty in that top pocket.
So, that's it so far! Thanks for taking a peek. And thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow! You've got a great deal done! Love those Silhouette word circles and snowflakes.

  2. Oh Anabelle! Your December Daily is too gorgeous for words!!! I love the idea of documenting daily life. Such a wonderful keepsake! Sending many hugs :)

  3. Wow Anabelle!!! What an awesome December Daily!! Love it all! Going to pin it!!

  4. Great enjoy your Daily days of December....and keep posting such nice photos....:)

  5. Wow, kudos for doing a daily!! I love the concept, but know myself too well to attempt it. ;-)


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