Friday, May 4, 2012

At Nine...

Well, this week certainly flew by. Can't say I got much accomplished, aside from work, but at least the weekend will be upon us soon. Tomorrow is my niece's first communion. Ryan made his a year ago this month, and I still hadn't taken his portrait. My mother in law is ready to disown me. She has the wall of Communtion photos on her living room wall and has been asking me for a year to bring her one of Ryan. So, this past Sunday, I finally obliged. Now, my son is not the easiest person to get up and out the door in the morning. (THAT is an understatement!) This is especially true on Sundays when he has to go to religious education class. Well, I decided that we needed to take the picture last Sunday morning. He fought me tooth and nail. Instead of taking him to the park, which was my original plan, I propped him in front of the living room window. I got his suit jacket, shirt and tie on him, but relented and let him keep his pajama bottoms on along with his bare feet. I do have to say that I'm really happy with the final result and thought I'd share it here.

Speaking of my little buddy, I made a page to document all of the things he loves and hates right now. He just turned 9 recently and I thought it would be fun to list them on a page.

 I used lots of goodies from Crate's Pretty Party line.
 I used the tags as both a design element and for journaling. The stamps are AC.
 I used some of my favorite chipboard pieces, stickers and buttons. Even tried out the new little clothespins.
 The title was cut with my Silhouette. I think the font is Pacifico. Maybe Lobster. I love them both.
It was a fun page to make and I hope someday he'll look back and laugh at some of the things he hates. He migh still even hate some of the same things. I'm willing to bet blue cheese and artichoke dip will remain there.

Thanks for stopping by and have a Happy Friday!


  1. What a precious communion picture of Ryan! It seems like only yesterday I was having those photos taken of my two sons ... and now they're halfway through college!! Great LO, Anabelle ... TFS!!

  2. Love the layout and photo! Don't forget Aunt Patty needs a new one!

  3. Amazing layout and that picture of Ryan is fantastic!

  4. Such a sweet pic and delightful lo!

  5. Stunning!Love the design and the great picture of your son♥

  6. I love pages that document little details of likes/dislikes. Those are the ones that in my opinion are really fun to look back on. Love your design and colors you used to document it...fabulous page!

  7. Gorgeous picture of your son, the light on his sweet face is perfect!

    Love that layout too...I like how you used the tags! I love doing pages like this, they are my favorites in my books!!!

  8. the photo is incredible and what an awesome page!!

  9. I love that photo and your layout is equally gorgeous! LOVE the tag work!

  10. Glad to start in Pakistan on the blog hop! Love the lace edging and the lovely pastels. It is such a romantic layout.

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  11. Glad to start in Pakistan on the blog hop! Love the lace edging and the lovely pastels. It is such a romantic layout.

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