Monday, April 30, 2012

It's Monday...Again!

The weekends just seem to go too quickly. How is it that it's Monday, again??? I saw a sign on Pinterest the other day that said 'Monday has been cancelled.' Wouldn't that be nice??

I have a couple of things to share today. This first page was done for Emma's a couple of weeks ago. We had to create something inspired by a song. I chose the song 'Beauty in the World' by Macy Gray. I love it. (Find it on Youtube if you don't know it!) I had this photo of the Weeping Willow trees in our neighborhood in blossom and decided to scrap that.  For about two weeks every spring our neighborhood is just brilliant in pink. Between those trees and the Cherry Blossoms it's gorgeous! (Downside is that is when Ryan's allergies completely kick in!)

 I used a lot of American Crafts goodies on this one. Love the colors from the Peachy Keen Fellow and Garden Party lines.
 I decided to pull out my watercolors and created the frame around the edge of the photo.

It is somewhat 'messier' than my normal pages. But, I'm trying to get my 'artsy' going, so I went with it. :)

Next up is this card that I did for Emma's this week. I used some Crate Random and a bunch of rhinestones.

You can see the supply list HERE.
             That's it for today. Gotta run and head out to work. Have a great day and thank for stopping by!


  1. I saw your LO on SC gallery and I very love it! Love the bright colors you used!
    Gorgeous card as well!

  2. How gorgeous! I especially LOVE the LO! :D

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE that layout. Smashing colours and it's just perfect. Fabulous card as well!

  4. Everything spells beautiful on your blog, Annabelle! Always put a smile on my face. You are just so creative with big / small canvas!

  5. Love them both! You're so super talented Anabelle. ;)

  6. Wonderful layout and lovely card! Love them both^^

  7. I love that layout! The colours are devine!

  8. always! I love that watercolor frame!

  9. I'll never forget the first time I saw Japanese Cherry Blossoms. I think they look like heavenly balls of cotton candy with bark, lol. They are so gorgeous. Bummer for Ryan though :( Lovely projects as always Anabelle.

  10. Your layout is gorgeous! I really LOVE the pink water color frame!

  11. great idea to paint and then stitch ♥

  12. What freshness ! Great projects !

  13. pretty page and card - love all the bright colors

  14. Fab layout on your page , great colours and your card is lovely well done Annabelle Hugs Elaine


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)