Friday, April 13, 2012


   Well, Spring Break week is winding down. It's gone so quickly! Actually, it's been more of 'Ryan's Birthday Week' than anything else. His birthday was Monday. We took a great day trip to New York on Wednesday and he got to spend his money at the giant Toys R Us in Times Square and at Nintendo World! We also went to the top of the Empire State Building. And today we are having 17 friends for a Laser Tag party. He's been in heaven. I've been sick. LOL. I've had a nasty cold, so all I've wanted to do is lay around. Haven't gotten much of anything done. But that's ok. We've been 'chill-axin'!

   I have a fun page to share today. Did this one recently using lots of  new My Mind's Eye "Follow Your Heart" collection. I decided to go with the hexagon craze and really like the result.

 I love the smaller hexagons in the background and then I cut more out to layer on top of them. I added some with foam adhesive for dimension.
 The title was cut with my Silhouette and I added some Pink Paislee and Studio Calico wood veneers, too.
Well, off to enjoy my last day of Spring Break and to get ready for the birthday party tonight! Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. LOVE this layout. Sounds like Ryan had a wonderful birthday!! Hope you'll feel better soon!

  2. What a beautiful hexagon layout! I love your design and the cute photo!

  3. Love your layout. Beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing.

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  5. Love the hexagons! Such a beautiful layout ♥ And I adore the Lego version of a dad and a son :-) The cutest!

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  7. LOve this page Anabelle!!

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Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)