Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

The food is prepped, the Bunny has been here and the house is clean (kind of). Everything is quiet right now...It's a beautiful Easter morning. We will be heading out to church in a bit. Easter Sunday mass is my favorite of the year. The church is always decorated so spectacularly and it's a joyous occasion to celebrate. A wonderful time of renewal.

Just wanted to pop on and post a page I did recently, since I haven't gotten anything up in a bit. I did this page for the Webster's Blog. The photo was taken LAST Easter. One of our favorite traditions is the backyard egg hunt.

 I used Webster's Palm beach line on here along with gems from the Western Romance line. The trim is also Western Romance. I did a tutorial on the WP blog if you want details on how to recreate them.

I also layered in some Elle's Studio tags. Just love those. I backed the round ones with Martha Stewart doily tags.
Cutting apart the gems is one of my favorite techniques. Here I sprinkled them onto the page and used them as flower toppers.

I'll be taking more of the same shot this year. But the boy is a lot taller and thankfully, I managed to get him a haircut this year. Well, I cut it (and he hates it) but at least it's shorter, LOL.

For all of you who celebrate, have a blessed and joyous Easter!
Thanks for stopping by. :)


  1. Fab layout Annabelle, gorgeous colours and I love those flowers well done Hugs Elaine

  2. hope you had a very nice Easter my friend!! love that layout :)

  3. Hope you had an AMAZING Easter! LOVE this DELIGHTFUL lo!

  4. Those soft flowers are the best accent!

  5. I've seen this somewhere else, I find it gorgeous, those flowers are really cute !


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