Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Ring

How is it that it's May already? I have to say, I'm awfully glad. It's so good to see flowers blooming, trees budding and the kids outside wearing shorts. Poor Ryan is still suffering with his allergies, though I think they are finally getting better. I love spring and warmer weather and I'm so glad it's finally here.

I have a layout to share today that uses the new Webster's Country Estate line.

There's a story behind this one. My husband hates jewelry of any kind. When we got married he agreed (somewhat grudgingly) to get a ring, but only wore it to work, if we went out to dinner or on special ocassions. Well, a couple of years ago he lost it. I guess you could say I 'asked' him several times to replace it. Finally, on our anniversary, he got the replacement. It was such a sweet gesture since I know he did it for me. He's back to wearing it sometimes, but I'm so glad he has it! So, I had to do a page about it.

I framed the photo with a sticker and did lots of handcutting as well.

Thanks for stopping by to take a peek. Have a great day!


  1. This is so gorgeous! LOVE the story behind it! I hope your son's allergies clear up soon!

  2. Oh what a sweet gesture and lovely page, Anabelle! I think it's so special and sexy when men wear their wedding rings!!! Good for you girlie :)

  3. That is such a sweet gesture. You are a lucky girl :O)
    I love what you made here. Sooo pretty! Tfs!

  4. Such a sweet story, that is so sweet of him! Love it that you recorded this on a layout. It is gorgeous and so romantic!

  5. Really sweet page, Anabelle! Love the cut work!

  6. Absolutely beautiful!! I love that you scrapped this moment..precious!

  7. Hi, I love your things.. they are beautiful, kinds old and soft.. love'em..


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