Friday, April 29, 2011

Wedding Day

So, I was one of those people who got up at 4 am to watch the Royal Wedding. It was so worth it!! My sister in law spent the night and brought scones. We got up and were glued to the TV, tissues in hand. We had tea and scones and oohed and ahhed over everything. I remember being in high school when Charles and Diana got married, so I didn't want to miss this special occasion. It was just magical!

I have a couple of things to share today. This first card is one I did for Emmas't his week. I used a Maya Road chipboard heart album. I painted two of the pages and added glitter to one. Then I added Webster's Country Estate papers, a silhouette cameo and some Storyteller Alphas. I tied them together with some vintage ribbon.

I really like how it turned out!

This next project uses an old vase I found at a thrift store. I paid a dollar for it. Adding some Prima flowers, gems and trim gave it a facelift.

That's about it for today. I'm going to head back to the TV to see if there's any more coverage. Yeah, I'm a sucker for romance.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love the glitter on the heart design! The white is so strikingly beautiful. That is such a great vase find! Your colors and embellishments are so pretty!

  2. Those projects are so breathtaking and good for you for getting up to watch the wedding!! :) I have it on DVR, will watch my kids tonight, and hopefully that will inspire them to be Princess-wanna-be's, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

  3. Oh wow, your work is so amazing! Just love the white and blue on your card and the beautiful glitter. And isn't that Webster's cameo absolutely divine? And that vase is soooo amazing! We watched the wedding too. Gosh, it was even better than princess fairytales:)

  4. It was so much fun to have our little tea party while watching the wedding! Love the album as well as the vase.

  5. How beautiful! I love the colors so much! They're shabbiliciously wonderful!

  6. Your heart card is absolutely STUNNING!! that glitter looks so so beautiful

  7. These projects are truely amazing and inspiring!TFS! Janna

  8. Oh, I can picture you two glued to the tv set. :) Too fun!
    And I love your projects, Anabelle! The white is just so beautiful on the album. Love the small pop of blue you added. And what a pretty facelift for that vase!


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)