Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Webster's Tags

I can't believe we're getting so close to Christmas! I'm almost done my shopping. I ordered my cards and I'm getting ready to start baking. Unfortunately, we've all been sick. Ryan had the stomach flu this weekend. And now a nasty cold/sinus thing is killing me. Ugh.
I have a couple of things to share today. First up are the tags that I created for the Week of Winter Wonderland at Webster's. I love making tags! I used the Waiting for Santa line for this one. All of the directions can be found for each one HERE.

I used so many bits and pieces of Webster's Goodies on them. It was really fun making them. The tags themselves were cut with a Papertrey Die.

I was really excited last week to get my hands on the new Spring Market line by Webster's. The colors are so vibrant and the images are really pretty. Here is a card I made with it.

I love the little bird. And aren't those flowers pretty? Let's just say there are a lot more where those came from! Spring Market is a late season release and will be available in January.

Here is the layout I made. It has a totally different look, even though I used the same line. The photo is of an amazing Farmer's Market I went to in Maui. They were cutting the pineapples open right there and I got the best guacamole ever! Sigh....I wish I could shop there everyday!

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!


Lisa Dorsey said...

Oh Anabelle, those cards and tags are just stunning! WOW! Love your layout too.

Romy said...

Wowzers...I just keep telling you how much I love your creations with Webster's, but I really do love them! These tags and layout are absolutely gorgeous!

Silke Ledlow said...

Annabelle, your tags and scrap-page are gorgeous! I love the Webster DP too :) ! Hugs ~S~

Debbie said...

Absolutely DELICIOUS ... everything! It was fun 'chatting' with you last night over at InspireMe :)

Sarah Mullanix said...

these are all beyond gorgeous!! :) I just LOVE your work!

cnelson said...

These creations could not be lovelier! Always such a treat to visit your blog!

Jeanine DeOre said...

These are beautiful! I shared them on facebook - thanks for the inspiration!

Carmen said...

Love all your tags!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, these are so amazing!

(-: Heidi

ellen s. said...

these are beautiful! and that new line looks amazing!

Sentimental Scrapper said...

Your tags are all gorgeous!! I love all of the little details! WOW!!

I sent you an email about some hand dyed scrunched seam binding that I would like to send you. :)

Malin said...

I LOVE evey little thing Gorgeous work Annabelle your mojo seems to at its est right now=)

Linda Beeson said...

Oh Anabelle, amazing! I am drooling over the great little touches here and there.

papertrails leaver said...

Goregous tags, and fab card and layout! Working the webster's papers!

PaperLover said...

Absolutely divine cards and tags, Anabelle! I'm still trying to pick my jaw up after seeing all of these phenomenal designs! OMG!

Jan Hennings said...

Beautiful tags and card! Your LO is super sweet :)