Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm blogging from my phone! Our desktop has decided to die. Of course, this happened in the middle of the huge
Blizzard we were hit with yesterday. I don't know when I'll be able to get out to fix the situation. In the meantime,I have some deadlines. I can't access my PhotoShop. If you know of an online site that I can edit photos and save them as a jpeg, let me know. I was at my neighbors yesterday trying to do it but couldn't save my pics on my jump drive. Grrrrr.

I will be back soon with my giveaway winner. Oh, and sorry for any typos. Blogging with a touch pad is rough.


  1. Good Morning My Friend

    Our power just came back on after being out since yesterday - ugh. We got about 24" with this last round and now everything is just blowing 'round.

    Stay warm and safe - Leann

  2. I believe PicNik will save your photos as jpeg. Good luck with everything!

  3. If I don't send you a note tomorrow - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Fran. We both took off work, but looks like we'll have a snow day with the kids. Since we NEVER have snow - yeah!!!!!

  4. Photoshop has its own online photo editing site: -- I've never used it. If you need to *store* photos, you can either upload to Flickr or email it to a Gmail account. Good luck!

  5. PicNik is great for photo editing and all you could possibly need to do with photos! Good luck!!!

  6. Bummer, bummer, bummer, Anabelle!
    Hope you get up and running soon!

  7. try
    it works a lot like photoshop. it doesn't do everything photoshop does but it might fit your needs.

  8. Oh my... I'd also recommend PikNik as it's free and no registration required. Good luck with the photos (and the weather)!


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