Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year and My Top Ten Faves

I know I'm a day late, but we were out of town until last night. Hope you are having a good new year. I'm hoping that 2010 is a good one for us all.

I'm so sad that my vacation is coming to an end. It's been a wonderful week! I've done some scrapping, exercising, shopping and a whole lot of eating. I guess, I need to start cleaning today. Ugh.

Since everyone seems to be doing their top 2009 favorites, I thought I'd jump in, too. This first project is one that I just did. My SIL has a big Christmas Eve party every year. Santa always comes bearing gifts. Well, Ryan was beside himself with excitement this year. He and Erin sat there waiting and when the big man walked in the door, I snapped this picture.

I used lots of my Christmas favorites: October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket, Jenni Bowlin and Basic Grey.

Next up are my Cosmo Cricket tags. I love that Jolly By Golly Line!

Love the colors, and of course the photo, of this one of Ryan.

This one of my mom holds a special place in my heart.

I love the tissue flowers on this goft set.

Not thrilled to be a working mom, but I do love the page.

I love how these gift card holders turned out.

Pink and green is my favorite color combo!

I LOVE everything Jenni Bowlin.

Love Tussy Mussies and being PTI's Guest Designer was a thrill!

So, thanks for taking this trip down memory lane with me. As always, I appreciate your stopping by and your sweet comments. Hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you.


  1. You do such amazing work I don't know how you narrowed it down to ten...I LOVE ALL your creations!

  2. Oh, I love all your picks, Anabelle! Your work is so inspiring!

  3. Gasp! These are all GORGEOUS!!! I love your work, Anabelle. Happy New Year!

  4. Ohhhhh your work is soooo beautiful! Love your style!

  5. I too loved each of these fabulous creations and feel blessed that you chose to share them with us. Can't wait to see what you have in store for 2010.
    Happy New Year Anabelle :o)

  6. ohh Lot's of eye candy here - just beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!:):):):):)

  7. Girl you are so creative and your work is AMAZING wow I love it all .. I could not pick a favorite out of those at all ..

    and Congrats on working girl ..

  8. Love it all, but especially the SAHM Mom one! Your work is just so pretty and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your top 10. Now how about a list of another 10? I love seeing your work all together like that. LOL


  9. Love them all! The gift card set was one of my favorite creations of yours.

  10. Wow! Love all of these creations. My fab has to be the golfer layout. The glitter and the sassafrass border is so cool.

  11. wow.. just adore everyone of your project! love your work anabelle & a very happy new year to you and your family!!

  12. Bee-you-ti-full!!! Love your faves! The tissue paper flowers and gift card holders... sigh. I could only dream of being able to pull those off. Love you!

  13. Gorgeous work, as always, Anabelle!

  14. I just love, love, love looking at your top fave scrappy projects. Your things are always SO inspiring and beautiful.
    Happy New Year, my friend!

  15. Oh my everything is jaw droppingly gorgeous! Thank you so much for your lovely comment at my blog. A celebrity had visited my blog and I am so honored


Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)