Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Slip and Slide

It's FREEZING out!! The past few days haven't been bad, but we had an artic blast come in and I'm dying. It's 27 degrees out and much colder with the wind chill. The wind is awful!!

So, to keep me warm, I worked on a summery layout. I love these photos. Ryan and the girls had so much fun this summer on the slip and slide.

This was a 'just for fun' page. I used some Sassafrass Lass and October Afternoon on it. The buttons are Doodlebug.

This next card is pretty sunny, too. I did it for the December sketch over at Emma's. Lots of BG Nook and Pantry on it.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We sure did! Look at what I've been playing with this week:

I'm so excited! I love my phone. And I've been taking lots of videos. Santa brought me a tabletop tripod, so I'm hoping to figure out how to post some tutorials on here!

That's about it for today. Have a great day!


  1. I'm so glad that you got a flip camera. (mostly for selfish reasons though). Tutorials!!!!!!!!!!
    I also got a flip. Aren't they fun!!!
    Happy New Year

  2. Nice summery colors in the layouts. Love your camera!!

  3. I love the LO it is so warm and love the cute cupcake card with the pink pearls. Both are so warm! I would love 27, it was 10 here today. yuk!

  4. Oh, my!!! That layout is FABULOUS!!! Warms me right up, too! I usually don't mind the winter, but this year I'm really missing being outside and enjoying lazy summer days!

    Have fun with your new Christmas toys! WooHOOOOO!

  5. I love the layout! Those are cute photos and LOVE the sun rays. The card with those pearl swirls are perfect!

  6. I love your layout! Sure looks summery and reminds me of the warm, sunny days. You are a lucky gal getting all these fabulous gifts. Can't wait for your tutorials... Happy New Year. Hugs xxx

  7. That page was so full of color!
    And I love the card!
    Happy New Year

  8. I am excited to see some of your tutorials when you have mastered the new phone. FUN!

  9. What a cool phone!!!! I love the Summery layout, I'm tired of being cold, I hate cold, unless it snows, it's useless!!! LOL! And I always love your cards, they're always just beautiful!!!

  10. gorgeous, gorgeous work!! i'm so in awe of your skills! have fun with those new toys!

  11. Love this sunshiny layout and cheerful card makes me feel all warm inside (until I look out the window that is).
    Happy New Year :o)

  12. I really like how you created sunbeams with strips of patterned paper. . . really eye-catching! :-)

  13. ``Gorgeous`

    Happy New Year.!!!!!!TFI
    love and best wishes for 2010.....:)xxx

  14. Anabelle, just wanted to drop by and say Happy New Year. I can't wait to see what amazingly beautiful creations you come up with in 2010. I have really been inspired by your artisty. xo

  15. Love your layout, Anabelle! It's so fun and warm! How fun for you to be playing with your new "toys"! ;-D I can't wait to see your tutorials!

    Hope you have a wonderful New Year's celebration!

    Hugs and blessings,

  16. Oh, I LOVE my Flip. Chloe uses it all the time too and makes me little videos of her toys talking to each other. LOL. I should definitely use more. What I do is tape it and then load it up onto photobucket, then you have a link that you can post to your blog. It's going to be so fun to see you on video! Yayyy!



Thanks for your lovely comments! They make my day. :)