Monday, August 17, 2009

Label Tulip part 1

I really loved this month's Label Tulip kit. It was such a beautiful mix of goodies. If you love Cosmo Cricket, Webster's Pages and Prima, this kit is for you!

Here are a few of my projects. This first one is about my mom and a little duck washcloth/puppet that she's played with with Ryan since he was a baby. He loves it! We had a really pretty folder in the kit, so I cut it down, stitched it up and added my photos and journaling tag inside of it.

This next one is a card that I made using some of the same papers. It's a trifold card. Aren't those Prima flowers awesome???

Finally, this card uses stuff from Add on #2. It's a fun mix of some bold and bright products.

One more thing...
Webster's Pages has updated it's website. It's beautiful. Read all about it HERE on Brandin's blog. She's hosting a HUGE giveaway with new products and all you have to do is comment about the new website.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be posting some more Label Tulip projects later in the week.

Have a great day!


Rachel said...

beautiful pages! and card. you are so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous page and card Anabelle. I love what I've seen in that kit, although I didn't get one. Don't you just love the new Webster's look. I'm so excited about it! Have a great day Anabelle! Amy Tara

Wendy Kwok said...

Awesome LO and card. Love how you use the papers. Stunning

Kimberly said...

Your MOM card is stunning. I miss giving cards to my --- still after losing her 21 years ago.

Traveling Mama said...

Your blog totally rocks! I love your projects here- gorgeous!! Best wishes from Morocco!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous gorgeous stuff! Love those Prima roses and the lovely way you've used them!

(-: Heidi

Unknown said...

I love your blog...
This card is awesome....
Michell james
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